Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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my wife has family members that survived the holocaust. they have the tattoos and everything. are they lying?

Sure they may have a tat, if they were interned. The Jews declared war on Germany. That doesn't mean there was a systematic plan to exterminate 6 million of them and only a few hundred thousand died god rest their poor souls. The carpet bombing did in the supply lines so they starved along with the other internees. USA interned Japanese Americans for the same reason.
Great guests on Jerry Springer though!

check out this quote from a trump supporter in the politics section:

The problem with America is people who want to push their preferences on everybody else, and get paid while their at it all the while doing nothing but complaining about not having this, that, etc.. and those same people are the ones electing this nonsense and when it all goes to hell and there's nothing left to take, they will be crying all the way home from their empty bank accounts. But then they still won't accept that is was their inability to understand economics and how to get off their butts and get a job, no matter how lame it is.

she is on federal disability too. was just complaining about how she did not get a big enough COLA under obama.

lol could You be any more ignorant ?

If you get your lazy hand and point over my icon you would see that I'm 24 years old

lol no way am I surving off a disability check. If anything I survive of the tips I make as a server, fucking Feds take at least half my check anyway.

So Put down that dick in your mouth buddy because you sure as hell don't know me
the top tax rate on really high incomes is only 39.6% though. where are you getting this 50% or more figure from?
Sure I over exaggerated. I'll man up

But can you honestly say our government is not in it for the good of the people. That they don't have their interests in the laps of the international bankers and elite families ?

I'll wait for you to jump off the governments D
check out this quote from a trump supporter in the politics section:

she is on federal disability too. was just complaining about how she did not get a big enough COLA under obama.

So you lose an argument in one thread so you decide to spout shit on another? Very two year old of you Buck!!! Did your wife not take you to daycare today? Do you need a new diapey?
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