Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Let me get this straight - because you lack any knowledge on photo exposure variances, you've decided the Sun revolves around the Earth based on this video? What exactly are you seeing in this clip?

LEt me explain it to you, even a simpleton like you should be able to grasp this. Those lines should be straight on a revolving ball earth. On a flat earth you see what is in the picture, the stars are making a 360 circuit above our heads.
LEt me explain it to you, even a simpleton like you should be able to grasp this. Those lines should be straight on a revolving ball earth. On a flat earth you see what is in the picture, the stars are making a 360 circuit above our heads.

Exposures? Didn't they teach you that at Law School?

You didn't lie about being a bigot or a racist, but you're insecure enough to lie about your level of education. Funny.
He is the biggest statist on this site I beleive.

lol. i love that word.

if we ended the war on poverty tonight, 30 million people would be in poverty by tomorrow.

you must be one of those dumb extremist types, eh?

yes, i see a legitimate role for government.

No I'm not an extremist.

Sure there's a "role" for government, but can you honestly say that OUR (USA) "elected officials" actually do a good job of doing there part for the greater good of the people?

Fuck no
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