Why are Republicans so scared of Hillary Clinton?

Hahhahaa yep man you found me out Buck lol hilarious. all kinds of racist and woman hateny . you remind me of the crazy fucker here in town that stands in the road swearing at cars as they go past. not everyone is a racist, or misogynist, but keep looking hopefully they are right?

I would say Trump is no more racist than Hillary. Did you get a chance to check out that video, and who your gal looks up to? or just not interested. you seem to have zero tolerance for racism, I was really interested to see what you thought about the words that came directly out of Hillary's mouth. It was not an out of context sound bite, I was honestly asking you what you thought,and not trying to start shit with you. Are you true to your convictions , or is it just about fucking with people?

That is a true statement Chesus, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination that is a real possibility. There are many, myself included that will not vote for Hillary. Lots of cross overs from the dem side as well as independents. The best thing the dems could do right now is give her the axe, and let Bernie do his thing.
hillary votes with bernie 93% of the time.

so why so dumb then?
But Buck.... the EMAILS!!!! You're forgetting the emails!!! Who the fuck cares about social issues, or political competency and experience, THE EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US BECAUSE OF THE EMAILLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSS!!! Clearly she is the worst of the worst, lying about what account you sent emails from is so much more of a lie than pretending to be your own publicist, admitting to it, then changing your mind and lying about having ever admitted it or done it. Much less of a lie! Forget the fact that PolitiFact awarded Trumps statements "Lie of the Year 2015", with 61% of his statements rating "False" to "Pants on Fire False" and only 8% clocking in at "Mostly True" to "True". (As opposed to Hillary's 12% "False" to "Pants on Fire" and her 50% "Mostly True" to "True") And she flip flops! Who cares if Trump was a Democrat until '87, then was a Republican for 12 years, then Reform party for 2 years, then Democrat for 8 years, then Independent for one year, then Republican again.... that's not flip-flopping, not like the way Hillary used to be PRETTY liberal (32nd most liberal senator in 2006), and then flip flopped to become a little more liberal (16th most liberal senator in 2007)!! Like, how DARE she "flip flop" from supporting civil unions in 2003 to, after years of growth, supporting gay marriage fully in 2013! That's SO MUCH MORE FLIP FLOPPY than how Trump used to say "I couldn't be more pro-choice" and then later says he would support making abortion illegal and punishing women who get them. That's so much less of a flip flop!! Who cares if Americans for Democratic Action gives her a lifetime average Liberal Quotient of 90%? THE FLIP FLOPPING AND THE EMAILLLSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

tl:dr: People are too stupid to care about the 93% similarity she shares with Bernie, much easier to hate her for that 7% difference, and to love Trump for the 7% similarities he shares with Bernie while disregarding the 97% difference in everything that matters. Because really, as long as you are anti-establishment, who the fuck cares what you want to replace it with right? Nothing on earth could be worse than "The Government" and "The Establishment" (or whatever people mistakenly think those things are in their mind). Because history has shown, nothing could ever go wrong with that line of reasoning! Doesn't matter that Trump lies more, Hillary is the one who's dishonest. Doesn't matter if Trump switches positions (and parties) more, Hillary is the one who flip flops. I'm honestly surprised these people even managed to learn how to read, you'd think they'd be against that kind of intellectual elitism.
But Buck.... the EMAILS!!!! You're forgetting the emails!!! Who the fuck cares about social issues, or political competency and experience, THE EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US BECAUSE OF THE EMAILLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSS!!! Clearly she is the worst of the worst, lying about what account you sent emails from is so much more of a lie than pretending to be your own publicist, admitting to it, then changing your mind and lying about having ever admitted it or done it. Much less of a lie! Forget the fact that PolitiFact awarded Trumps statements "Lie of the Year 2015", with 61% of his statements rating "False" to "Pants on Fire False" and only 8% clocking in at "Mostly True" to "True". (As opposed to Hillary's 12% "False" to "Pants on Fire" and her 50% "Mostly True" to "True") And she flip flops! Who cares if Trump was a Democrat until '87, then was a Republican for 12 years, then Reform party for 2 years, then Democrat for 8 years, then Independent for one year, then Republican again.... that's not flip-flopping, not like the way Hillary used to be PRETTY liberal (32nd most liberal senator in 2006), and then flip flopped to become a little more liberal (16th most liberal senator in 2007)!! Like, how DARE she "flip flop" from supporting civil unions in 2003 to, after years of growth, supporting gay marriage fully in 2013! That's SO MUCH MORE FLIP FLOPPY than how Trump used to say "I couldn't be more pro-choice" and then later says he would support making abortion illegal and punishing women who get them. That's so much less of a flip flop!! Who cares if Americans for Democratic Action gives her a lifetime average Liberal Quotient of 90%? THE FLIP FLOPPING AND THE EMAILLLSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

tl:dr: People are too stupid to care about the 93% similarity she shares with Bernie, much easier to hate her for that 7% difference, and to love Trump for the 7% similarities he shares with Bernie while disregarding the 97% difference in everything that matters. Because really, as long as you are anti-establishment, who the fuck cares what you want to replace it with right? Nothing on earth could be worse than "The Government" and "The Establishment" (or whatever people mistakenly think those things are in their mind). Because history has shown, nothing could ever go wrong with that line of reasoning! Doesn't matter that Trump lies more, Hillary is the one who's dishonest. Doesn't matter if Trump switches positions (and parties) more, Hillary is the one who flip flops. I'm honestly surprised these people even managed to learn how to read, you'd think they'd be against that kind of intellectual elitism.
I don't like her.
I'm still voting for her inn November
I'd say that the majority of Americans are idiots, and the majority of the idiots will vote Republican, which is against their own best interests.

But they're too stupid to figure that out for themselves!

Yeah, because people who vote for Hillary are just so fucking smart..... Not.
Luckily this section of rolli doesnt represent the whole forum, let alone the usa.
The only reason anyone from this forum wants to vote for Bernie is for legalization. I want that as much as anyone but I also want this country to start making money again, the kind of money that makes the American dream possible for anyone willing to work for it.
The only reason anyone from this forum wants to vote for Bernie is for legalization. I want that as much as anyone but I also want this country to start making money again, the kind of money that makes the American dream possible for anyone willing to work for it.
Then vote democratic. Because with a democrat in power the economy overwhelmingly does better?
Then vote democratic. Because with a democrat in power the economy overwhelmingly does better?
Why don't you look at the COLA for the last 8 years Obama has been in office, there has been little change to the cost of living adjustment since his first year in office. Matter of fact, it dropped from 3.3% in 2007 under Republican control to an astounding 0.0% in 2010, after his first year in office. Want to know what the average COLA has been since he's been in office? 1.7% with absolutely no cost of living increase during 3 years of his 8 year term. None, nada, zilch...
During Reagan's 8 year tenure, the COLA was higher on average than any President in the last 30 years.

Facts are facts. There was an increase after his first year in office but the numbers have dwindled since, as they have during nearly every Democratic tenure. So no, I will not, thank you very much.
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The only reason anyone from this forum wants to vote for Bernie is for legalization. I want that as much as anyone but I also want this country to start making money again, the kind of money that makes the American dream possible for anyone willing to work for it.
Then vote democratic. Because with a democrat in power the economy overwhelmingly does better?
Why don't you look at the COLA for the last 8 years Obama has been in office, there has been little change to the cost of living adjustment since his first year in office. Matter of fact, it dropped from 3.3% in 2007 under Republican control to an astounding 0.0% in 2010, after his first year in office. Want to know what the average COLA has been since he's been in office? 1.7% with absolutely no cost of living increase during 3 years of his 8 year term. None, nada, zilch...
During Reagan's 8 year tenure, the COLA was higher on average than any President in the last 30 years.

Facts are facts. There was an increase after his first year in office but the numbers have dwindled since, as they have during nearly every Democratic tenure. So no, I will not, thank you very much.

WHO? authorizes a COLA increase? HInt Congress.

And what exactly the fuck does COLA have to do with the economy doing well?

WASHINGTON - For just the third time in 40 years, millions of Social Security recipients, disabled veterans and federal retirees can expect no increase in benefits next year, unwelcome news for more than one-fifth of the nation's population.

They can blame low gas prices.

By law, the annual cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, is based on a government measure of inflation, which is being dragged down by lower prices at the pump.

The government is scheduled to announce the COLA - or lack of one - on Thursday, when it releases the Consumer Price Index for September. Inflation has been so low this year that economists say there is little chance the September numbers will produce a benefit increase for next year.

Prices actually have dropped from a year ago, according to the inflation measure used for the COLA.

"It's a very high probability that it will be zero," said economist Polina Vlasenko, a research fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. "Other prices - other than energy - would have to jump. It would have to be a very sizable increase that would be visible, and I don't think that's happened."

Congress enacted automatic increases for Social Security beneficiaries in 1975, when inflation was high and there was a lot of pressure to regularly raise benefits. Since then, increases have averaged 4 percent a year.
And what exactly the fuck does COLA have to do with the economy doing well?
That sir, is a bit ignorant...

What doesn't it have to do with the economy doing well?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) determines CPI-W, which is used by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to compute COLAs. The COLA formula is determined by applying the percentage increase in the CPI-W from the third quarter of one year to the third quarter of the following year.

Congress ratified a COLA provision to offer automatic yearly COLAs based on the annual increase in CPI-W that went into effect in 1975. Prior to 1975, Social Security benefits were increased when Congress approved special legislation. In 1975, COLAs were based on the increase in the CPI-W from the second quarter of 1974 to the first quarter of 1975. From 1976 to 1983, COLAs were based on the increases in the CPI-W from the first quarter of the previous year to the first quarter of the current year. Since 1983, COLAs are dependent on the CPI-W from the third quarter of the previous year to the third quarter of the current year.

Inflation levels were high in the 1970s ranging from 5.7 to 11.3% in 1979. In 1975, the COLA increase was 8%, and the inflation rate was 9.1%. In 1980, COLA reached the highest level in history at 14.3% while the inflation rate was 13.5%. Amid the 1990s, drastically lower inflation rates prompted small COLA increases averaging 2 to 3% per year.

Some employers such as the U.S. military occasionally give a temporary COLA to employees who are required to perform work assignments in cities with a higher cost of living than where they presently live. The COLA expires when the work assignment is finished.

Needless to say, there is a distinct correlation between COLA and inflation, which, dear sir, directly affects the economy. Maybe do a bit more reading from sources that do not cater to what you want to hear. Please, educate yourself before it's time for you to retire.

http://www.fixthedebt.org/blog/whats-driving-the-growth-of-the-debt-you-may-be-surprised_1#.V0xME75f2M8 and http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cola.asp

The bottom line is, because of the little to no increase in cost of living allowance, based on the percentage, you actually get back less from SS than you put in, in a lifetime of paying when you do retire or become disabled.
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I don't know about you but I want my money to work for me. I'd like to see interest rates go back up for savings but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. When you're ready to invest 10K in a high interest savings and can only hope for around 1.5% at best, you'll be wishing for a conservative in office as well.
So you want the economy to go to shit so you get better interest on your savings?
And you want higher inflation so you get a COLA for your SSI?

You are one self centered right wing piece of shit you are
If you mean I want to make my hard earned money earn money, then right you are sir. No, I want the COLA to match inflation rates, like it's supposed to. So that this country does have a future. I don't want hard working individuals heading to retirement to die of starvation so that morons like you can thrive while sucking the tit of government milk.

I think it sucks to have to pay $1200 a month into SS knowing that their only going to pay $600 a month back. You pay in for 60 years and perhaps collect for 10-20, more if you're lucky. How the fuck is that fair?
I don't know about you but I want my money to work for me. I'd like to see interest rates go back up for savings but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. When you're ready to invest 10K in a high interest savings and can only hope for around 1.5% at best, you'll be wishing for a conservative in office as well.
No I wouldn't.
You are asking for personal gain at the expense of the rest of the country.
And if you were putting in 1200 a month into social security. You don't need it.
The only reason anyone from this forum wants to vote for Bernie is for legalization. I want that as much as anyone but I also want this country to start making money again, the kind of money that makes the American dream possible for anyone willing to work for it.

pill popping unemployed alcoholics for trump?
Why don't you look at the COLA for the last 8 years Obama has been in office, there has been little change to the cost of living adjustment since his first year in office. Matter of fact, it dropped from 3.3% in 2007 under Republican control to an astounding 0.0% in 2010, after his first year in office. Want to know what the average COLA has been since he's been in office? 1.7% with absolutely no cost of living increase during 3 years of his 8 year term. None, nada, zilch...
During Reagan's 8 year tenure, the COLA was higher on average than any President in the last 30 years.

Facts are facts. There was an increase after his first year in office but the numbers have dwindled since, as they have during nearly every Democratic tenure. So no, I will not, thank you very much.


you're worried about the COLA on your welfare check so you can buy more pills and booze.

you are definitely gonna make america great again.
I think it sucks to have to pay $1200 a month into SS knowing that their only going to pay $600 a month back.

in order to be paying in that much, you'd have to be self-employed and making $120,000 a year.

but the cap on social security is around $108,000.

so not only are you lying, you are telling us that if you even made that much money, you blew through all of it on booze and pills.

jesus christ you welfare mooch republicans do a good job of exposing what lowlife scumbags you all are!
No I wouldn't.
You are asking for personal gain at the expense of the rest of the country.
And if you were putting in 1200 a month into social security. You don't need it.
Ignorant much? You guys should really get a room


you're worried about the COLA on your welfare check so you can buy more pills and booze.

you are definitely gonna make america great again.

Wife-leaching assholes sucking government tit voting for Hillary say what?
if you even made that much money, you blew through all of it on booze and pills.

jesus christ you welfare mooch republicans do a good job of exposing what lowlife scumbags you all are!

he types from his actually employed wife's favorite chair while free riding.

Where do you work?
Ignorant much? You guys should really get a room

Wife-leaching assholes sucking government tit voting for Hillary say what?

sorry you got exposed as a worthless fucking welfare mooch who sits at home depending on her federal disability check, popping vast amounts of pills and drowning in booze.

why don't you get a fucking job?

you obviously have access to a computer and can type, why not get a customer service job somewhere? too worried you'll get the shakes halfway through the shift and have to sneak off to the bathroom to sneak a few shots out of your flask?

you don't even pay any taxes, you collect a disability check from the government, and then you accuse me of sucking government tit?

hate to break it to ya mooch, but i am the guy who pays 15.3% of every dollar he makes as an independent contractor and sends it to lazy, entitled, welfare sucking mooches like you.

go drown yourself in pills and booze, make america great again, one pill induced coma at a time.