IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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you gonna be like the people buying video cards for your PC: and never buy anything cause tom's says there is an update coming. you don't even realize that VC you have now that's been working that whole time. because you are too busy looking at the next best thing.

You know, I'm the guy with a 5 year old laptop, and 4 year old phone.

I said it because Veros are a terrible choice right now, and anybody recommending them is giving bad advice. You can get CXB3070s for the same price, and $12 Citizens that outperform them at all currents. The world has moved on. Hopefully it will continue to do so.

The update is supposedly in June, it's currently May 28, and they look like they will be terrific.

In other words :P
You know, I'm the guy with a 5 year old laptop, and 4 year old phone.

I said it because Veros are a terrible choice right now, and anybody recommending them is giving bad advice. You can get CXB3070s for the same price, and $12 Citizens that outperform them at all currents. The world has moved on. Hopefully it will continue to do so.

The update is supposedly in June, it's currently May 28, and they look like they will be terrific.

In other words :P

how could you have a 4 year old phone, impossible.
Literally every bulb in my house is a cree globe, I've had one go out on me recently (after about.... I dono. A year? Maybe more..?) I gave my dad 3 to try and he had one go out almost instantly but outside of that... my electric bill is stupid low. (~100 bucks, with my hobby's main area full blast [less than 500w])

I probably bought 25 of em... so go from 23w x 25= 575w, of course they're not all on at once but you'd be surprised how often several of them are on... down to 9.5w x 25= 238w. Fuggin yea.

My garage alone has 12 of them, that's what really pushed me since there is 6 on each switch. (2nd shift, out there when it's dark a lot)

Right now I'm looking at diying a nice rabbit hutch, lean to greenhouse, compost barrels, and rain collection barrel. Bout to fall off the grid! Now about thay solar power.. lol.

OK, completely off topic, but I just went to replace my shower light, the last in the house to be replaced. A dim little thing I've never paid attention to, and it was this giant 26W T4 bulb. Argh. Most watts of any light in the house and it's basically been used as a nighlight.
Does anyone know where I can find a few words about running multiple drivers together? I haven't seen anything yet. Thank you.
Two termnials one strictly positive, one strictly negative, then a lead from each going to your plug, or if using on/off switch (only negative I believe to switch, I'd have to look at mine when I get home to be certain.. and positive to your plug)

Eh. I'm too gray on this right now to be certain, I'd ask someone else lol
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