Conservative windbag Ben Shapiro whines against workers rights in Obama overtime ruling

Just because You started the business or run it doesn't mean you're entitled to make exponentially more than you're employees unless you're an asshole like Jaime Dimon. Oh wait all that profit is artificial (bullshit arm fees) and you're employees don't see a single dime of it? Seems fair.

You can't tell me your employees especially in a small business don't play a larger part in its success? How is the work divided? How is the profit?
Back to my example
No show boss making 4x as much as my gf works 20 hrs a week max. The only thing he does is buy inventory 3x a week and he steals.What is his contribution to that company's success?
Just because You started the business or run it doesn't mean you're entitled to make exponentially more than you're employees unless you're an asshole like Jaime Dimon. Oh wait all that profit is artificial (bullshit arm fees) and you're employees don't see a single dime of it? Seems fair.

You can't tell me your employees especially in a small business don't play a larger part in its success? How is the work divided? How is the profit?

Actually, you do. Here is how it works. You place an ad in the paper, on the internet or by some other means for someone willing to work for x dollars an hour. People show up and negotiate and you hire one that fits your requirements. Was your woman forced to take a job below her pay?? Did they detain her until she signed an employment agreement?
Back to my example
No show boss making 4x as much as my gf works 20 hrs a week max. The only thing he does is buy inventory 3x a week and he steals.What is his contribution to that company's success?

He was smart enough to negotiate a salary 4* what your girlfriends was... And that is his problem?
I wouldn't give a shit what he did if he paid her fairly. See it has nothing to do with the boss. Just take care of your employees. The ones who do all your work. But he paid the the lowest he can get away with. Now he's stuck with the 2 idiots he started with and his wife trying to figure out how everything works.

How does that not harm your business?
How does that attract better candidates?
People here are content with that, not wanting to do better?
I wouldn't give a shit what he did if he paid her fairly. See it has nothing to do with the boss. Just take care of your employees. The ones who do all your work. But he paid the the lowest he can get away with. Now he's stuck with the 2 idiots he started with and his wife trying to figure out how everything works.

How does that not harm your business?
How does that attract better candidates?
People here are content with that, not wanting to do better?

Have your wife get a better job... Simple... Why doesnt she just ask the boss for her bosses job?
He didnt negotiate anything he has shit on his boss who is also being investigated by the IRS for money laundering. His big mouth wife blabbed everything to us. My gf was hired by Big IRS audited boss to keep tabs on her little IRS audited boss because he was stealing.

Here is the difference, when you vote to block those wage reforms you legitimize shenanigans like this. There is no basis for him to make more just blackmail. You don't get it do you?
Actually, you do. Here is how it works. You place an ad in the paper, on the internet or by some other means for someone willing to work for x dollars an hour. People show up and negotiate and you hire one that fits your requirements. Was your woman forced to take a job below her pay?? Did they detain her until she signed an employment agreement?
Why do you complain that corporations pay too much in taxes when they signed the contract with the government before business ever even began?

Didn't they sign the contract to pay X amount in taxes?
She did eventually negotiate a raise but that's when the trouble began. After she got the raise she rededicated herself to the full hours and the job, business picked up big time and she discovered all his stealing when cars were disappearing. These laws are in place to protect her from assholes like that.
See what happens when you tell NLSXK1 some life experiences from outside of his suburb. Like I said get out meet people see how your bullshit policies hurt working class people and ALL SMOKERS on this sight. All of this over what a few tax dollars?
He didnt negotiate anything he has shit on his boss who is also being investigated by the IRS for money laundering. His big mouth wife blabbed everything to us. My gf was hired by Big IRS audited boss to keep tabs on her little IRS audited boss because he was stealing.

Here is the difference, when you vote to block those wage reforms you legitimize shenanigans like this. There is no basis for him to make more just blackmail. You don't get it do you?

I dont get why your wife just doesnt go out and get a better job. She wouldnt have to be involved in all those shenanigans... What is she thinking?
Why do you complain that corporations pay too much in taxes when they signed the contract with the government before business ever even began?

Didn't they sign the contract to pay X amount in taxes?

Businesses do not sign contracts agreeing to a tax rate. The government does not give anyone that option.
See what happens when you tell NLSXK1 some life experiences from outside of his suburb. Like I said get out meet people see how your bullshit policies hurt working class people and ALL SMOKERS on this sight. All of this over what a few tax dollars?

You want money out of someone elses pocket because you have problems...

Everyone has problems, you are just too narcissistic to see it.

You keep pointing to other people to justify why your wife doesnt make enough money when it was her that agreed to the employment contract. She was not forced to at gunpoint.

Nothing you have said makes me remotely feel sorry for you, nor does it give you standing to demand compensation for your own misery.
So you condone this kind of shit? Policies like the one put in place by Obama would prevent her from being caught up in that shit. She works she gets paid for that work end of story. Instead she gets cheated and the only recourse because of policies put in place by Republicans (right to work my ass) is quitting? Wow again you are an asshole for voting these types of policies into place in the first place.

If it were up to business to protect their employees they wouldn't and still fight not to.

Triangle Shirt fire ring a bell?
In business trump is awesome to women and his employees... Yes, we want a candidate that respects women and the people that work for him. Shocking, I KNOW!!

Talk out of both sides of your ass much? He doesn't have to respect people who work for him. He doesn't even have to pay them a fair wage according to you. In fact the children who make his clothes love working for him.
Liberty means the state of being free in society without oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views... By exploiting workers labor, you're actively denying them liberty, genius
To do that, genius, employers would have to apply some sort of force they DO NO HAVE. I do like your liberty definition though. Unfortunate to your errant assignment, only government has the authority to accomplish what it described. In the future I suggest you include reality in your summations.
To do that, employers would have to apply some sort of force they DO NO HAVE. only government has the authority to accomplish what it described.
Wrong. If an employer restricts your ability to remain free in society without oppressive restrictions, like exploiting workers labor, they are indeed restricting your liberty
Talk out of both sides of your ass much? He doesn't have to respect people who work for him. He doesn't even have to pay them a fair wage according to you. In fact the children who make his clothes love working for him.

He doesnt have to but somehow he does anyway... And without government intervention... Funny how that works eh?