Conservative windbag Ben Shapiro whines against workers rights in Obama overtime ruling

Such idiots on the left. There are reasons that demand needs to determine wages and not failed Presidents with 1.9 grade point averages in college who failed Econ 101. Go read "The Road To Serfdom" and learn where your inane thought process brings you.
Do you think it's OK for employers to work salaried employees more than 40 hours a week without paying them overtime if they make less than $47,000 per year?
Do you think it's OK for employers to work salaried employees more than 40 hours a week without paying them overtime if they make less than $47,000 per year?
Sure and if the employee doesn't like it then I suggest they get another job...maybe an hourly one.

If I contracted with you to do a job, irrespective of hours, and you accepted that contract, why do you think anyone should be able to get in-between you and I and OUR agreement? Unless the government thinks you an idiot, incapable of entering into a contract because you are incapable of understanding the original terms.
Wow...It is good to talk these things through as we may have found you a loophole.
Sure and if the employee doesn't like it then I suggest they get another job...maybe an hourly one.

If I contracted with you to do a job, irrespective of hours, and you accepted that contract, why do you think anyone should be able to get in-between you and I and OUR agreement? Unless the government thinks you an idiot, incapable of entering into a contract because you are incapable of understanding the original terms.
Wow...It is good to talk these things through as we may have found you a loophole.
Because most people are too stupid to hold out until a fair contract is offered, and when they do some dumber fuck takes the previous offer and proves their hesitation correct. Sadly, most people in this country are far too stupid to be trusted to do the right thing on their own, so we make rules like this. Your rationalizing of why its okay to fuck someone out of their livelihood is lazy and lacking in real thought.
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Because most people are too stupid to hold out until a fair contract is offered, and when they do some dumber fuck takes the previous offer and proves their hesitation correct. Sadly, most people in this country are far too stupid to be trusted to do the right thing on their own, so we make rules like this. Your rationalizing of why its okay to fuck someone out of their livelihood is lazy and lacking in real thought.
And BTW, most people affected by this ARE hourly workers (as a matter of fact, if you are not hourly, how do you calculate time and a half? Because if you aren't being paid by the hour, it's kinda hard to calculate)
First, the premise was salaried as well as a supposed forty hour standard work week. Math is hard, but yeah we can come up with the conversion. The government is not there to protect you because you are stupid unless (see previous post). Nobody is fucking anyone out if their livelihood but more likely providing livelihoods for more than they would/will with this law in place. Just another example of leftists choosing feelings over facts.

Remember the CEO who took this fluffy BS to heart and changed everyone's salary to like $70k which was the average overall...go check out how that is working out.
Sure and if the employee doesn't like it then I suggest they get another job...maybe an hourly one.

If I contracted with you to do a job, irrespective of hours, and you accepted that contract, why do you think anyone should be able to get in-between you and I and OUR agreement? Unless the government thinks you an idiot, incapable of entering into a contract because you are incapable of understanding the original terms.
Wow...It is good to talk these things through as we may have found you a loophole.
Because desperate people will take whatever they can get, including less than they're actually worth, because they have to pay their bills. Without worker protections, employers can abuse the rights of their employees

For example, if there are more people who want to work than there are jobs available, employers have leverage when it comes to negotiating a wage/salary. If you won't take minimum wage, someone else will even if it won't pay their bills because they still have to eat. They'll take that job and go look for another job too, further decreasing the amount of available jobs, further increasing the amount of leverage the employer has over workers.

If "contract is king" as you seem to believe, don't corporations sign a contract with the government outlining their tax rate before they ever begin business? Why do republicans constantly attempt to breach, bend and break that contract through loopholes and lobbying for lower rates? They signed the contract didn't they?
First, the premise was salaried as well as a supposed forty hour standard work week. Math is hard, but yeah we can come up with the conversion. The government is not there to protect you because you are stupid unless (see previous post). Nobody is fucking anyone out if their livelihood but more likely providing livelihoods for more than they would/will with this law in place. Just another example of leftists choosing feelings over facts.

Remember the CEO who took this fluffy BS to heart and changed everyone's salary to like $70k which was the average overall...go check out how that is working out.
Um, the government absolutely is here to protect people who are stupid. If people were smart enough to protect themselves, we wouldn't need government. But no, no one on your side wants abortion or birth control or teaching of evolution or climate change, they just want to prove the movie Idiocracy right and keep dumbing down the entire population until no one is smart enough to realize how fucking stupid it is and you can re-institute slavery to "fix" things.
We have folks beating down our door to get our biz thanks to a credit score of 798 and lots of money in the bank. ;)

If I had to guess 90% of the members posting to this forum couldn't qualify for a mortgage. Forget the car load term if they could qualify, would probably have to be 6 years for a cheap used Ford Focus. :mrgreen:

you'd be wrong but i assume you're used to that. i've spent the last 20 yrs buying and rehabbing houses. we do around 10 per year.

all cash, no banks involved. 30-40% return on each in less than 90 days. i haven't had my credit checked in 25 yrs

you're an idiot
First, the premise was salaried as well as a supposed forty hour standard work week. Math is hard, but yeah we can come up with the conversion. The government is not there to protect you because you are stupid unless (see previous post). Nobody is fucking anyone out if their livelihood but more likely providing livelihoods for more than they would/will with this law in place. Just another example of leftists choosing feelings over facts.

Remember the CEO who took this fluffy BS to heart and changed everyone's salary to like $70k which was the average overall...go check out how that is working out.
If you worked full time and made less than $21K per year, and were not paid any extra for putting in overtime, you would agree with your employer that you're being treated fairly?
Um, the government absolutely is here to protect people who are stupid. If people were smart enough to protect themselves, we wouldn't need government. But no, no one on your side wants abortion or birth control or teaching of evolution or climate change, they just want to prove the movie Idiocracy right and keep dumbing down the entire population until no one is smart enough to realize how fucking stupid it is and you can re-institute slavery to "fix" things.
Oh wow, you obviously HAVE thought this through. I mean, from dumb and dumber to now trying to make the marketplace equivalent to slavery. Weak sauce. Bullshit, hyperbolic and irrelevant examples. And NO, the government IS NOT responsible for accommodating your stupidity. Only dumbass leftists would want them in charge of t heir lives... much less give them charge.
Oh wow, you obviously HAVE thought this through. I mean, from dumb and dumber to now trying to make the marketplace equivalent to slavery. Weak sauce. Bullshit, hyperbolic and irrelevant examples. And NO, the government IS NOT responsible for accommodating your stupidity. Only dumbass leftists would want them in charge of t heir lives... much less give them charge.
Please explain how protecting workers rights is equivalent to giving the government total control of our lives

Does the government control your life every time you stop at a stop sign too?
If you worked full time and made less than $21K per year, and were not paid any extra for putting in overtime, you would agree with your employer that you're being treated fairly?
If that was our agreement, yes. Let me finish this for you, if I agreed to work for a penny, yes it would be fair.
This is meant to protect people like my girlfriend who agreed to a 40hr a week job getting paid $400. She was then told she needed to stay until the day was done typically 6:45pm. She already was working 830 to 530 with no break (she has a strong work ethic). And then they added Saturdays to the equation. So she ended up working 60 hrs a week for the same $400. This being a right to work state and a shitty city, she was afraid of losing her job for lack of opportunity here so she went along until her boss decided he never needed to be at work because she did such a good job. She was making $6.65/hr at the end when she found out he was stealing inventory and got fired for reporting it.

Fair enough for you NLSXK1?

You Republican assholes are soooo blind to your naked greed it's disgusting.
Oh wow, you obviously HAVE thought this through. I mean, from dumb and dumber to now trying to make the marketplace equivalent to slavery. Weak sauce. Bullshit, hyperbolic and irrelevant examples. And NO, the government IS NOT responsible for accommodating your stupidity. Only dumbass leftists would want them in charge of t heir lives... much less give them charge.
Read through the threads here and tell me again it's hyperbolic. You have rampant justifications for pedophilia, accusations of baby murder, arguments that slavery is moral, glaring stupidity throughout... All the work was done for me, I just put the threads together. If you can't see the writing on the wall by now, you never will.
Read through this thread and tell me again it's hyperbolic. You have rampant justifications for pedophilia, accusations of baby murder, arguments that slavery is moral, glaring stupidity throughout... All the work was done for me, I just put the threads together. If you can't see the writing on the wall by now, you never will.
U funny
Youve found every which way to justify this greed from religion to psuedoscience (Ayn Rand) convincing yourselves this is the way. You isolate yourselves so you never have to see the results of your shitty policy. Then you blame the people you exploit for the problems you cause or exacerbate.

Do you know how my old boss (she made 100k plus 20k in bonuses when we beat plan) would justify paying people $7/hr in NYC? Well they can afford McDonalds can't they? Dollar menu all day.
If that was our agreement, yes. Let me finish this for you, if I agreed to work for a penny, yes it would be fair.
Well, people like you simply can't be reasoned with. You're arguing from an unreasonable position and if you'd given it the slightest bit of thought, you would realize that worker protections are there for very good and very specific reasons. You might have even done a little research into the history of American working conditions before worker protections were enacted. That's not the kind of world I'd like to go back to, and it has nothing to do with politics. Simple human decency will tell anyone not snugly stuck up their rectum that it's wrong to exploit workers labor so a small number of people at the top can live exceedingly luxurious lives at everyone else's expense.
Even as those same employees were told to dress better because we we're in Midtown. Those same employees who broke their backs making that store better than any other store. We made more in sales with less space, inventory and staff but were paid the same. The store was planned for $16 million in sales and ended up at $21 million because of our hard work and innovative business partnerships. Transferred employees would quit and managers from outside the city couldn't hack that pace. Yet we made the same as Podunk Idaho. I was a salaried manager making 36k working 55 hrs a week plus I came in on vacations for surprise inspections.

I quit and started growing weed. Oh wait you assholes vote against that too. Fuck you all.