Donald Trump

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then why did you literally just call them "special handouts for black people"?
Said a larger percentage of black people receive them because a larger percentage of black people are in poverty.

Which you and I agree is a fact. They are in poverty at such a higher percentage because of black segregation after slavery and redlining up into the 80s.

If you look at Detroit tho, it is a shell of its former self. Not due to blacks moving in. Due to democratic policy.
so you just complained about the patriot act, now you are rooting for donald trump to expand on it?

what the fuck happened to you? you are just a pile of stupid now.
I dislike certain portions of the patriot act.
Said a larger percentage of black people receive them because a larger percentage of black people are in poverty.

use your fucking eyeballs you stunted moron.

you called them "special handouts".

why are they "special handouts" for black people, but in your case, you are "entitled" to them?

If you look at Detroit tho, it is a shell of its former self. Not due to blacks moving in. Due to democratic policy.

name those democratic policies which caused the collapse of detroit then.

i'll sit here waiting for you.

i promise.
You're serious about the wall? Do you really think the cartel will let that happen? Looks for some strange votes to swing in Texas and California and some more murders along the border if it even becomes a serious whisper.

in san diego, the Sinaloa cartel has: killed, kidnapped, walked on US soil, brought guns and dangerous drugs into the US 100x hundreds of times more then ISIS ever has. the northern baja cartel table, has more money then ISIS more access to the US, and more people. the only difference is they don't want to kill people in the name of religion. they just want to make money.

I don't think they would do anything about a wall except exploit it. with inside workers and intel. if the cartels wanted to kill Americans they could organize a strike that would make 9/11 look like pre-school.

Mexico is not broke, it is very rich, its that most of its GPD is private. kind of what the US might look like in 100 years. everything owned by private corps, multi-national ownerships. its kind of the picture of what happens when the 1% takes the last .9%.

my point is a wall is moot, it will stop nothing but wile e coyote once the tunnel is painted on it.

nothing short of a declaration of war and a DMZ will change the Mexico Us border.
building a wall is not enforcing a law. more than half of all illegal immigrants come here legally.

why do you not get that you are embarking on a pointless, sisyphean, money wasting, racist idea?
Yes it is.
use your fucking eyeballs you stunted moron.

you called them "special handouts".

why are they "special handouts" for black people, but in your case, you are "entitled" to them?

name those democratic policies which caused the collapse of detroit then.

i'll sit here waiting for you.

i promise.
Look at the debt Detroit schools racked up in the 30 yes of democrats.

Democrats do generally offer additional handout's that they offer to poor people. Special as in specifically one group, poor people, gain access to it.

They're campaigns are usually focused on how they will expand social programs to cover new things.

We need more jobs to support the additional handouts. Revenue is needed to fund these programs.

If we are having issues funding what we have now, then we should focus on making those programs more efficient rather than adding additional programs.

The more efficient we are the more people we can help and at a smaller cost.

No I am not talking about fraud. I am talking about the inefficiencies of the people who run the programs.
Agree I don't think it will be an orchestrated cartel wave of violence more like local retaliation. I think a lot more politicians are in their pockets than we know.
building a wall is not enforcing a law. more than half of all illegal immigrants come here legally.

why do you not get that you are embarking on a pointless, sisyphean, money wasting, racist idea?
How can half come here legally if they came here illegally?

Legal illegal aliens?
Agree I don't think it will be an orchestrated cartel wave of violence more like local retaliation. I think a lot more politicians are in their pockets than we know.
That's why you would have national Guard down there. Patrolling the fence to catch trouble makers.
Because half of all illegal immigrants are Mexican. See stupid shit like that gets you punched in the right neighborhood. Or do you not see that? What about ports? My cousins husband came in the hull of a boat. He's since moved to Spain. Going to build a wall there? You're not stopping shit.
so for all your zeal, you're not willing to prove your featly to TRUMP with a few lousy dollars. a bit ago you were at the Apollo up in this motherfucker, now all of a sudden you're quiet as a church.???

all your promulgation: its probably just the same anyways. just casuist campaign Trump is running anyway.

Hey, save your money and make sure you vote. Vegas says clinton wins and I say Trump wins. And so far Trump has crushed 16 people with one to go. And for being quiet , I just took an afternoon'er and its hot and muggy out, so I am just kicking back. TRUMP!
building a wall is not enforcing a law. more than half of all illegal immigrants come here legally.

why do you not get that you are embarking on a pointless, sisyphean, money wasting, racist idea?

The wall will be a national monument . People will go on vacations just to touch it and it will be great! 16,500 border agents agree with TRUMP! LOL
The wall will be a national monument . People will go on vacations just to touch it and it will be great! 16,500 border agents agree with TRUMP! LOL

LOL a boarder wall, you really are fucking clueless if you think he will build a wall. Just curious how long do you think it would take to build that wall?

If the the smugglers are currently using underground tunnels what makes you think they won't expand on that approach?
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