I can research some of the older things you talk about but as far as the paestinians allying with the nazi's thats been debunked but the Zionist where trying to ally with hitler. The Zionist believed the Jews didn't belong in Germany living with the german people as did the Nazis
I should of said relitively peaceful. 1033-1517-1838 hundreds of years of relitive peace wow that would be nice would it
in the 1490'sWhere did most of the spanish jews go
" a lot of Sephardim* (~30,000) went to North Africa, the last remnant of the Islamic empire under which they had lived reasonably safely in Spain. However, the most Sephardim (~110,000), attracted by a welcome from Sultan Bajazet, went to Turkey and the western part of the Ottoman Empire. Although, apparently a few did go to the Holy Lands."
You are completely backwards on that. Not only has al-Husseini's support of Hitler not been "debunked", it is a well documented fact. Your assertion that Zionists allied with Hitler, however, is in fact nothing more than antisemitic conspiracy theory propaganda, almost as reprehensible as asserting that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is anything other than a blatant forgery/hoax (Much in the same detestable way that Hamas asserts, to this day, that it is a real and genuine document).
"Putting aside differences with the British over Jewish immigration to Palestine and the 1939 White Paper, some 30,000 Palestinian Jews enlisted in the British army during the war." -The Colombia Guide to the Holocaust
"We must assist the British in the war as if there were no White Paper and we must resist the White Paper as if there were no war." -David Ben-Gurion, September 1939
"In keeping with this general design aimed at the extermination of the Jews, on 3 April 1941, al-Husseini orchestrated an Iraqi government takeover, with Nazi support and financing, led by Rashid Ali al-Gaylani (1892-1965). He took advantage of the turmoil ignited by the coup to incite the slaughter of 600 Jews in Baghdad. 911 houses were destroyed and 568 businesses ransacked." -A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad
"The active cooperation of the world's 400 million Muslims with their loyal friends, the German, can be of decisive influence upon the outcome of the war. You, my Bosnian Muslims, are the first Islamic division and serve as an example of the active collaboration....My enemy's enemy is my friend." -Amin al-Husseini July 1943
"It is the duty of
Muhammadans in general and Arabs in particular to ... drive all Jews from Arab and Muhammadan countries... . Germany is also struggling against the common foe who oppressed Arabs and Muhammadans in their different countries. It has very clearly recognized the Jews for what they are and resolved to find a definitive solution for the Jewish danger that will eliminate the scourge that Jews represent in the world." - Amin al-Husseini, November 1943.