Donald Trump

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thanks,I know THE SCOTTISH are a nation.not a race.There you go again,twisting my words to suit your agenda.Im pretty sure that Trumps
didnt go knocking on doors-Someone could have punched him in the
Your argument is weak.Anyone who supports a rascist.IS a rascist.

Do you have problems reading plain english?

Yeah Man, you're starting to understand the responses of the Trump Chumps! LOL!!

Trump Chumps is a perfect description! I hope it sticks. :lol:

Why dont you ask Obama.... It has been his war the last 7 years....
Obviously you are not concerned.The war he inherited from Dumbo Bush still rages on.Not many Americans know that.
Too busy preparing for the Mexican invasion i guess.
It would be very sad if Trump got the job.
However,it would be ironic, if, He used cheap Mexican labour to build THE WALL.
Did you see Trump with that senile old gimp- He said President Truman saved BILLIONS of American lives by dropping the
A bombs.BILLIONS of americans eh,Meanwhile Trumps is looking very smug.He must be looking forward to it .Pushing the button-making America Great.

Billions of Americans.
Policies have to be IMPLEMENTED before they can be EVALUATED.

Hillary Clinton's POLICY of equal work for equal pay is fucking miserable since the women on her staff get paid an average of .72 cents on the dollar.

Yeah, I am starting to see how you could vote for Hillary.
Sounds like a good deal.they are lucky to have a fucking job.
BTW.I have a plan to solve Americas financial crisis.Build new prisons,and fill them with
white people.What do you think ?
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This is a good read.

David Windham

It's amazing how baffled everyone is in understanding Trump. He's easy to understand. He does have a solid core, he does have solid good core values, everybody who ACTUALLY knows him personally openly shares that. He's just more savvy and smarter than everyone else. He's been saying his secret to it all all along, yet everybody's baffled and confused... "You see you have to be unpredictable, that's how you win." Being unpredictable is not his core psychology, it's actually his winning strategy. He's not a loose cannon on any level, as people want to claim. But, he'll let them think what they want. He knows to serve positive purpose to our country as a President, you actually have to win that office. So, you do what it takes, to win.

Make no mistake, Donald Trump will be our next President. He doesn't play to lose. Trump understands what no other establishment Republican candidate has understood, thus why the Establishment Republican party's candidates can't win elections! Trump understands that to beat the Democrats you have to play by THEIR rules, no matter how "dirty" they may be!! You can't be nice, you can't be "above" getting dirty in the trenches with them, as they do. Republicans no longer win, because they won't stoop to the level Democrats will to win. IF you want to win, you have to play by THEIR rules!!

Then you kick the shit out of them on their own field with their own rules, go take a shower, clean yourself up and take the Presidential Oath of Office. THEN you show America what a true dignified President is!!

Trump is the ultimate competitor. It probably goes back to his sports days. He knows how to get inside their heads and throw them off their game. That's what things that seem to make no sense to you are about.

We watched this strategy take out 16 other professional politician candidates who had DECADES of political insider experience.

Hillary is going to be a cakewalk, she's terrified of Trump. She knows he can beat her, at her game. She knows unlike any other Republican candidate that Trump will swing just as low as she does... and much harder.

He's going to win the Presidency, Trump will be our next President. The only question the Conservatives have to answer? Are they going to let Trump win without their support, therefore he has no other option, but to keep shifting more towards the middle, to pick up support from more moderate Americans... to replace what he loses in the Establishment and Conservative Republicans support. He's going to win, the only question is with whose support, which is to whom his loyalty will lie, when he wins.

Trump will be our next President, with or without the Establishment Republican party. He will also do more positive, as President, for the American people than the American people have seen out of ANY President in at least 30 years.

Hillary will break like a little tiny twig! LOL TRUMP!

David Windham, Trump is what the media had done to people times ten! For example! The media would put a hit on someone with lies to brand them something and run them out! Trump will hit someone not with lies but with truth but he hits them in away it shakes them to the point they crumble! Look at Jeb Bush! Trump hit him in away that we watched him become like a scared mouse! The mighty Jeb Bush was destroyed, how? Trump hit him at the core! Low energy Bush no passion! A political hack! Who ever called Jeb Bush that? No one? Months later he was gone because he never regained his footing! There is reason why! When someone is the real deal and fakes get around that person they are intimidated! People observing may not see it but the person who is the real deal does! Trump knew what Bush was and Bush was exposed by Trump! Now Trump called Ted Cruz lying Ted! Cruz withstood the attack a while but it got to him! He began to crumble in the weeks before Indiana! He started making desperate moves VP Fiorina people knew that was a desperate move, making the deal with Kasich people knew that was a desperate move, he started looking desperate, he wanted a one-on-one Trump got 53%
..and Trump said a lot of crazy things about him to get under his skin and it worked. And he branded him is lying Ted remember the Trump supporter that Cruz confronted the day before the election Lyin Ted you kept saying.
Why did Trump choose that! Because Cruz had made his way through life lying and twisting and distorting facts in such away most never caught it! But Trump did and he used it against Cruz in such away it followed him everywhere! Cruz's own ability to manipulate facts became a weapon against him! Now, Hillary is crooked Hillary! Who calls her that! The might Clinton madam secretary is to Trump crooked Hillary! She laughs and says it doesn't bother her! But watch and see, it will begin to shake her because it's true and what she tries to hide has now become the weapon of her destruction! Trump is the bully for right and knows how to be that bully to those he needs to taken out. Nobody has been a bigger bully to women Bill and Hillary Clinton and they have a bigger problem with women than Trump does Trump is exposing that and they are going down, she didn't answer the 3 o'clock phone call she is going down Trump has branded her and she will lose
Trump the rookie politician just took out 16 of the brightest Republican politicians
Trump has flipped flopped on 3 of his stated policies and he only been the presumptive nominee a freaking week I wonder how many more flip flops from now til November.

1: he was against raising the minimum wage, now he said leave it to the states.

2: He wanted to cut taxes across the board, now he says he wants to raise taxes on the rich.

3: He has always said he was self funding his campaign and as soon as everyone of his opponents dropped out, he puts up a page requesting donations and hires a professional fundraiser/lobbyist which means he's going to take corporate money.

Who knows he just might pull a Reagan move and give amnesty to the illegals just to get their votes.



Azealia Banks Endorses Donald Trump, Claims Hillary Clinton 'Talks to Black People As If We're Children or Pets'
5/7/2016 by The Hollywood Reporter


Azealia Banks performs on stage at Coachella Festival at The Empire Polo Club on April 10, 2015 in Indio, Calif.

Azealia Banks Endorses Donald Trump, Claims Hillary Clinton 'Talks to Black People As If We're Children or Pets'
5/7/2016 by The Hollywood Reporter


Azealia Banks performs on stage at Coachella Festival at The Empire Polo Club on April 10, 2015 in Indio, Calif.
well there's 1 vote for Trump

This is a good read.

David Windham

It's amazing how baffled everyone is in understanding Trump. He's easy to understand. He does have a solid core, he does have solid good core values, everybody who ACTUALLY knows him personally openly shares that. He's just more savvy and smarter than everyone else. He's been saying his secret to it all all along, yet everybody's baffled and confused... "You see you have to be unpredictable, that's how you win." Being unpredictable is not his core psychology, it's actually his winning strategy. He's not a loose cannon on any level, as people want to claim. But, he'll let them think what they want. He knows to serve positive purpose to our country as a President, you actually have to win that office. So, you do what it takes, to win.

Make no mistake, Donald Trump will be our next President. He doesn't play to lose. Trump understands what no other establishment Republican candidate has understood, thus why the Establishment Republican party's candidates can't win elections! Trump understands that to beat the Democrats you have to play by THEIR rules, no matter how "dirty" they may be!! You can't be nice, you can't be "above" getting dirty in the trenches with them, as they do. Republicans no longer win, because they won't stoop to the level Democrats will to win. IF you want to win, you have to play by THEIR rules!!

Then you kick the shit out of them on their own field with their own rules, go take a shower, clean yourself up and take the Presidential Oath of Office. THEN you show America what a true dignified President is!!

Trump is the ultimate competitor. It probably goes back to his sports days. He knows how to get inside their heads and throw them off their game. That's what things that seem to make no sense to you are about.

We watched this strategy take out 16 other professional politician candidates who had DECADES of political insider experience.

Hillary is going to be a cakewalk, she's terrified of Trump. She knows he can beat her, at her game. She knows unlike any other Republican candidate that Trump will swing just as low as she does... and much harder.

He's going to win the Presidency, Trump will be our next President. The only question the Conservatives have to answer? Are they going to let Trump win without their support, therefore he has no other option, but to keep shifting more towards the middle, to pick up support from more moderate Americans... to replace what he loses in the Establishment and Conservative Republicans support. He's going to win, the only question is with whose support, which is to whom his loyalty will lie, when he wins.

Trump will be our next President, with or without the Establishment Republican party. He will also do more positive, as President, for the American people than the American people have seen out of ANY President in at least 30 years.

Gosh.what a pile of shit!
Trump has flipped flopped on 3 of his stated policies and he only been the presumptive nominee a freaking week I wonder how many more flip flops from now til November.

1: he was against raising the minimum wage, now he said leave it to the states.

2: He wanted to cut taxes across the board, now he says he wants to raise taxes on the rich.

3: He has always said he was self funding his campaign and as soon as everyone of his opponents dropped out, he puts up a page requesting donations and hires a professional fundraiser/lobbyist which means he's going to take corporate money.

Who knows he just might pull a Reagan move and give amnesty to the illegals just to get their votes.



And another flip flop...made immediately after he wrapped up the GOP primaries:

WASHINGTON, May 8 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Sunday he is open to raising taxes on wealthy Americans, backing off his prior proposal to reduce taxes on all Americans.

“I am willing to pay more, and you know what, the wealthy are willing to pay more,” Trump told ABC’s “This Week.”

Sure they are. :hump:

One need only check to see if Trump's lips are moving to tell if he's lying. Not even Trump knows what he would do as president. He doesn't even know what he's going to say next.

Trump's chumps indeed.
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