Pot size question, help?

you could dig a 30 gallon hole and put a small tarp down with some drainage holes in the bottom. Then whatever soil you use on top of the tarp.

or even better yet; you could dig a hole and put the pot in the hole.

But stakes work as well
you could dig a 30 gallon hole and put a small tarp down with some drainage holes in the bottom. Then whatever soil you use on top of the tarp.

or even better yet; you could dig a hole and put the pot in the hole.

But stakes work as well

I would like to be able to take them in the garage at night if it's supposed to storm and to keep the morning few off them it gets really wet and cold around my area for about a month before harvest every year, and I wanna try to control mold as much as humanly possible.
Didnt say it cant be done...just taking to big of a risk
Ganja Gurl Grows Gorgeous Ganj in the Ground... Say that 5 times fast! LOL!! .

If I did not live in a neo Nazi fascist part of the world and could take my cultivation outdoors...I would certainly seek out her opinions...Just sayin...

Not hittin on you or nuttin! LOL!!!!!
Ganja Gurl Grows Gorgeous Ganj in the Ground... Say that 5 times fast! LOL!! .

If I did not live in a neo Nazi fascist part of the world and could take my cultivation outdoors...I would certainly seek out her opinions...Just sayin...

Not hittin on you or nuttin! LOL!!!!!
Awwww shucks! Making me blush!