Pot size question, help?


Well-Known Member
Would these black trays be a good size for one plant? I think there about 15 gallon, I have a ton of the trays, they have holes drilled in the bottom , the plants will be growing outside for about 4.5 months and there about 18inchs-24 inches now, 5 gallon bucket just there for comparison. IMAG1673.jpg
i think the general rule of thumb is one gallon for each month of plant growth, but that's for indoors, not sure about out
I would go with 30-40 gallon if you planning on an additional 4 months and your plants already 24 inches, but thats just me. The wider the pot the better.

They are 31inches long, 18 inches wide and 14 inches tall, I don't think they will become root bound in these but maybe they will?
I can always transplant right into the ground if they out grow these. How big do you guys figure they will get strains are sour diesel and crown royale
U know what I'm saying about doubling them up?

Imagine you caught a snake n tossed it in one and used another one as a top to trap him inside..so they are facing opposite each other..then cut a hole in the new top and plant.