I'm gonna file a lawsuit

It sounds like these officers may be attracted to you sexually. You might try flirting with them, and see what their reactions are. If they're receptive, maybe toss them some ass or a quick alley BJ. They'll probably treat you really nice afterward. If they're not receptive, maybe your flirting would freak them out enough to leave you alone. Either way, you win. Let us know how it goes. Good luck, bro...
No they're definitely not...
They are small town cops with nothing to do but harass people and they get away with it cause they have no checks and balances in place.

Once a long time ago on something minor can't remember exactly, my dad had a meeting with the mayor and the chief of police. Basically like here's what's going on and your cop was over the top and blah blah blah. It got the charges dropped (probably some minor traffic when I had a car) but my dad said the police chief sounded like a real arrogant redneck.
I want to find where they all live, and paint some doc or 25b nbome onto their doors maybe a tenth of a gram for each cop

That is obviously a statement made in jest part of me wants to but I know it would be a bad idea.
I was thinking I'd just start taking pictures of them when they drive past me 5-6 times per trip to or from work, that would probably incite them even worse. I feel like I'm stuck between two rocks
Cops are above the law move away to a town with very little cops and pretend you are cool with them. You won't win any other way once they know your name they won't stop fucking with you. Very few people actually get cops in trouble and you need hard evidence it's there word against yours and the judge will side with the cops unless you have hard evidence.
I live in a town with very little cops (only 3 at max on the streets) so why did all three join in when we got pulled over?
I'm moving today a few miles down the road to a different town, and hopefully in one, two months max to Colorado, where you can apparently blow smoke outside all day and no fucks given.
I'll probably still talk to a lawyer and see if there can be anything else done, but looks like probably no.
If that's the case I'm gonna wait til recreational is legal here and go sit on the police station steps and smoke about a pound
best thing to do is record them and post it on youtube. when word gets around it will be all over the internet. An Ankeny, Iowa cop filmed trying to flip a traffic stop into a vehicle search with a dubious line of questioning is now under investigation. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/13/frisbee-golfer-profiled-weed-cop_n_5978652.html http://whotv.com/2014/10/09/ankeny-...verybody-that-plays-frisbee-golf-smokes-weed/ http://thegolfnewsnet.com/golfnewsn...owa-cop-profiles-disc-golfer-smoke-weed-8285/ This video has been posted on a lot of sites.
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best thing to do is record them and post it on youtube. when word gets around it will be all over the internet. An Ankeny, Iowa cop filmed trying to flip a traffic stop into a vehicle search with a dubious line of questioning is now under investigation. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/13/frisbee-golfer-profiled-weed-cop_n_5978652.html http://whotv.com/2014/10/09/ankeny-...verybody-that-plays-frisbee-golf-smokes-weed/ http://thegolfnewsnet.com/golfnewsn...owa-cop-profiles-disc-golfer-smoke-weed-8285/ This video has been posted on a lot of sites.

Colorado springs police lol
Even when I'm in the passenger seat and nothing is in reach of me?

My parents were gonna call the mayor and talk to him, not sure what good that will do.
There should be an easy to find paper trail which shows that they falsified the papers to put me in jail for 5 days. I'm thinking if I can prove that they have done that in the past, that that can show they will do it now
You will lose your cass but the judge will just throw out your cass.Onley way you could not have been charged was if one person said all the stuff was theres at that time or when you went to court.Where no one clames the shit they charge every person in the car.thats just how it works..ky
Here is how to file it:

to write it

Plaintiff (you and your address)
Defendant (them their address)

Statement of facts:
On this date of this month this happened...

What laws or rights were violated

Whereby the Plaintiff Prays the Court:
What do you want them to do.

Then get it notarized at a bank and take it to the Civil Clerk.
Don't listen to this guy.

He took a deferred guilty plea and calls that winning.
Wasn't getting snippy, at least not at you guys.
Its like this.
I've lived in this town for 20ish years. The last ten years, off and on when I've been in this town I've gotten into "legal trouble" like what I said before. I move away from this town, nothing, no cops no harassing.
I moved back here for one year (almost exactly a year ago) since then I've been pulled over twice in a car when I was a passenger, I've been searched three times when I refused to allow them to search, I stated that there was no probable cause and no valid reason to warrant a search, got searched anyway.

And then now twice, I've been ticketed for possession of marijuana when it was absolutely not in my possession, and I got ticketed for paraphernalia when it wasn't even mine in the first place.
A very frustrating time for a young Mexican in a white town (the Black's out number me 5-1 as there is one family of 5 black folk in this whole town)

So that's where I am. I appreciate the help as it is going to make it a bit easier to do.


Is that something I need a lawyer to help me with? I'm torn between just saying fuck it (again for the millionth time...) And having my parents drive me to work and home for breaks, or putting my foot down and saying ten years is too fucking long these corrupt people need to be taken care of in a legal way, at least I can besmirch their name and tarnish the image of them, already I have filed two formal complaints against them

personally, i wouldn't hesitate. not a fan of being fucked with by anybody/ ya gotta ask yourself where does it end if you don't fuck with them back? if they know you have a lawyer who's not fucking around it goes a long way towards being left the fuck alone

but everything has consequences so you best have your shit wired up nice and tight if you go that route. no more stupid shit like swag in the car. i wouldn't worry about your home
Mike, you may be correct; however, you have nothing. You'd have to build a case, you'd have to plan and determine what you need what kind of evidence etc. That's a full time job. Then you'd have all that time before a court date, then trial time. Further, if the cops are indeed corrupt, they'll be free or their friends with ample time to make your life miserable. Like Croc said you'll just make things way damn worse
true dat
post a pic of yourself. Profiling aside, maybe you got that shifty perp look that makes cops hinky, just sayin'
post a pic of yourself. Profiling aside, maybe you got that shifty perp look that makes cops hinky, just sayin'
If the Police are problematic in your area don't just film them and contact the ACLU, get in contact with the Police Monitors Office in your city.