Donald Trump

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Hey, poopy pants. Savor the moments because when Trump starts on that bitch she is going nowhere but down. Right where Billy likes her to be. TRUMP!
I was just going through your post history. You have just under 2000 posts since the beginning of January, and practically every single one of them is you sucking on Donald Trumps tiny wrinkled dick. How does it feel to be so completely and utterly retarded? Beyond retarded. So far beyond retarded that it would take the light from retarded several thousand years just to catch up to your retarded ass.
I was just going through your post history. You have just under 2000 posts since the beginning of January, and practically every single one of them is you sucking on Donald Trumps tiny wrinkled dick. How does it feel to be so completely and utterly retarded? Beyond retarded. So far beyond retarded that it would take the light from retarded several thousand years just to catch up to your retarded ass.
Oooooh jumping in because people were talking against buck. lmao ol white knight. Again why do you use retarded as an insult they can't help it they were born that way!
I voted for him but don't look like he will make it and Trump looks better than Hillary.

You voted for Bernie, and because he may not get the Democratic nomination, you choose to vote for Trump, simply because you like him better than Hillary? For what reasons do you like Trump more than Hillary? What political basis do you have for liking The Donald?

Hillary lies. So does Trump.
Hillary is for the big dollar establishment. So is Trump.
Hillary is a bitch. Trump is too. And it's been said he is the son of a KKK sympathizer.
Hillary has a far reaching background in foreign affairs and politics. Trump has a far reaching background in scamming people out of money and going bankrupt.

I totally see why you like Trump.
You voted for Bernie, and because he may not get the Democratic nomination, you choose to vote for Trump, simply because you like him better than Hillary? For what reasons do you like Trump more than Hillary? What political basis do you have for liking The Donald?

Hillary lies. So does Trump.
Hillary is for the big dollar establishment. So is Trump.
Hillary is a bitch. Trump is too. And it's been said he is the son of a KKK sympathizer.
Hillary has a far reaching background in foreign affairs and politics. Trump has a far reaching background in scamming people out of money and going bankrupt.

I totally see why you like Trump.
Hillary Clinton is currupt, full of shit, bought and paid for, works for the rich, toughest on guns. Not to mention Bill.
Hillary Clinton is currupt, full of shit, bought and paid for, works for the rich, toughest on guns. Not to mention Bill.


How is Hillary corrupt?

How is she full of shit? And how is that any different than Trump's bullshit?

And as we've already established, she lies, she is paid for and works for the rich. How is that any different than The Donald?

Yes, we agree, she is very tough on guns. And that specific reason alone is why I won't vote for her. But that does not mean then I would vote for The Donald. That would be silly and immature.

Bill has nothing to do with this.

Please try to focus, I know it's hard, but I know you can do it.

How is Hillary corrupt?

How is she full of shit? And how is that any different than Trump's bullshit?
I never heard trump lie about americans getting killed in benghazi. I never heard about trump working under someone who wanted to bring back segregation.
I bet putin and the chinese will totes respect a woman.
As opposed to a clown faced orangutan? Don't be silly. And by "Chinese" do you mean Jinping? It's hard to jump into a political discussion when you know so little about the topic. Why bother?
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I never heard trump lie about americans getting killed in benghazi. I never heard about trump working under someone who wanted to bring back segregation.

Straw man arguments. Barely worth responding to, but I will give it a shot.

Trump didn't lie about Benghazi because he was busy scamming people of their hard earned money with Trump University and several dozen commercial building projects throughout the world. He was also busy fighting constant lawsuits of which many times he either settled or lost.

Trump didn't lie about working under someone who wanted to bring back segregation because he didn't need to. Everyone knows his father was at best a KKK sympathizer and at worst an active member. After which he inherited his father's wealth. Which of course did a terrible job of managing.
Straw man arguments. Barely worth responding to, but I will give it a shot.

Trump didn't lie about Benghazi because he was busy scamming people of their hard earned money with Trump University and several dozen commercial building projects throughout the world. He was also busy fighting constant lawsuits of which many times he either settled or lost.

Trump didn't lie about working under someone who wanted to bring back segregation because he didn't need to. Everyone knows his father was at best a KKK sympathizer and at worst an active member. After which he inherited his father's wealth. Which of course did a terrible job of managing.
Does trump have less money than he started with?
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