Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member

But he has far less money than he would if he simply put his inheritance into a simple money market fund with a conservative portfolio.

Translation: He is worse at managing money than the government. (think treasury bonds)
Naww I Just googled "how much money does trump have" and the top article they gave me said he has slightly outperformed the sp 500. Why are you making things up?


Well-Known Member

How is Hillary corrupt?

How is she full of shit? And how is that any different than Trump's bullshit?

And as we've already established, she lies, she is paid for and works for the rich. How is that any different than The Donald?

Yes, we agree, she is very tough on guns. And that specific reason alone is why I won't vote for her. But that does not mean then I would vote for The Donald. That would be silly and immature.

Bill has nothing to do with this.

Please try to focus, I know it's hard, but I know you can do it.
How is she not corrupt? She was dead against same sex marriage now she acts like it was her idea. Plenty of other shit if I had the time.

Donald ain't much better being rich as fuck but he is not bought. I also would not vote for him if I didn't realize the wall is a fairy tale. He won't ban Muslims either we have this thing called a Constitution.

Plus he honestly seems more likely to legalize marijuana certainly seems more open minded even though he talks too fucking much.

I would love to see an independent with a chance or even a new party, but between Trump and Hillary Trump sure looks better.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I was just going through your post history. You have just under 2000 posts since the beginning of January, and practically every single one of them is you sucking on Donald Trumps tiny wrinkled dick. How does it feel to be so completely and utterly retarded? Beyond retarded. So far beyond retarded that it would take the light from retarded several thousand years just to catch up to your retarded ass.
I can tell your are about to pop like a zit! LOL TRUMP!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i like your avitar crock!
who is responsible for making us so retarded?
the democrats or republicans? the education system in American has brought us to this point. We are all so fucking stupid to put up with these asshole loser politicians and manipulting media. I oxygenate my body through deep relaxation and meditation to help ease the pain.


Well-Known Member
Naww I Just googled "how much money does trump have" and the top article they gave me said he has slightly outperformed the sp 500. Why are you making things up?
His claim is that he is worth 8.7 billion. Economists believe if he invested in the S&P 500 index, which is one of many, he would be worth 8.3 billion.

Based solely on Trump's claim, Trump himself is saying he is basically doing only slightly better than the S&P 500 index. But here's the thing, he hasn't released his taxes. And most economists and researchers put him at around 4.5 billion, roughly half of what he claims he is worth.

I wish I was making shit up kid, but this is reality. Your idol is a liar born from a KKK loving orangutan.

You are quoting from quora, that's like quoting from Reddit. Stop being a dipshit. Seriously.


Well-Known Member
i like your avitar crock!
who is responsible for making us so retarded?
the democrats or republicans? the education system in American has brought us to this point. We are all so fucking stupid to put up with these asshole loser politicians and manipulting media. I oxygenate my body through deep relaxation and meditation to help ease the pain.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
She was dead against same sex marriage now she acts like it was her idea.
That is not corruption. That is called flip-flopping. Trump does it every month.

Plenty of other shit if I had the time.
Like what? You've given one example, and that wasn't an example of corruption, please see above for more details.

Donald ain't much better being rich as fuck but he is not bought.
No, he is worse. He is loaning his own campaign his personal money. So that when the campaign is over he can write that off and take advantage of the system. And by they way, he has self financed 66% of his campaign, the remainder is from individual donors and corporate "sponsors". It just so happens Hillary is better at getting corporate "sponsors". Not saying that I agree with it, but hey, it was the Republican party and your boy Scalia who voted up Citizen's United. Now you're crying like a bitch because it's working against you.

I also would not vote for him if I didn't realize the wall is a fairy tale. He won't ban Muslims either we have this thing called a Constitution.
Based on what information do you draw a conclusion to assume he won't build the wall and won't ban all Muslims? Never mind the childish rhetoric he has contrived.

Plus he honestly seems more likely to legalize marijuana certainly seems more open minded even though he talks too fucking much.
More likely than Bernie? No. Not on your life. Why not write Bernie in as opposed to voting for Trump?

I would love to see an independent with a chance or even a new party, but between Trump and Hillary Trump sure looks better.
I agree. I think Bernie should run as an Independent.


Well-Known Member
i like your avitar crock!
who is responsible for making us so retarded?
the democrats or republicans? the education system in American has brought us to this point. We are all so fucking stupid to put up with these asshole loser politicians and manipulting media. I oxygenate my body through deep relaxation and meditation to help ease the pain.
If you are depending upon the government to make you smart then the failure is in your expectations.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Libtard chaos out side trump rally. LOL TRUMP!

Breaking News: Costa Mesa, CA becomes Libtard hell outside Trump rally


Donald Trump held a rally Thursday night. Traffic came to a halt as a boisterous crowd walked in the roadway, some waving American and Mexican flags and voicing opposition to Donald Trump. "Dump the Trump," said one sign. Officers clad in riot gear from the Costa Mesa Police Department lined up across a roadway and announced to demonstrators to clear the roadway. This crowd of protesters I'm guessing is 70 percent illegal aliens, involved of course is more then likely Black Lives Matter. I will tell it to you first that Liberals in Costa Mesa tonight are getting very violent at the protest, it has gone from peaceful during the day to massively violent in the night. Multiple cop cars have been damaged along with multiple businesses in the area. Once again the Liberal movement shows us all that they are the violent ones in America, because when someone is against their agenda chaos always follows behind it. The mainstream media will spin this once again that Trump rallies get violent, when most of the violence occurs outside of the rallies by anti Trump protesters. If you are in the city of Costa Mesa or know anyone is, inform them not to go near the OC Amphitheatre, because this protest is already having the looks of becoming extremely violent. Really just wish that Liberals would wake up to the fact, that they are being played by the Democratic party for their votes. When we see destruction in Democratic ran cities across America. Dear Liberals I suggest you wake up before it's to late, because Democrats have been using you for years. Why do we never see these acts from Trump supporters at Bernie and Hillary rallies you ask? Because Trump supporters understand that they have a right to peaceful assembly no matter what we think of them. So these violent protest only occurring at Trump rallies shows us one thing, and that one thing is that the Far Left and it's supporters are the most violent people in America.


Well-Known Member
That is not corruption. That is called flip-flopping. Trump does it every month.

Like what? You've given one example, and that wasn't an example of corruption, please see above for more details.

No, he is worse. He is loaning his own campaign his personal money. So that when the campaign is over he can write that off and take advantage of the system. And by they way, he has self financed 66% of his campaign, the remainder is from individual donors and corporate "sponsors". It just so happens Hillary is better at getting corporate "sponsors". Not saying that I agree with it, but hey, it was the Republican party and your boy Scalia who voted up Citizen's United. Now you're crying like a bitch because it's working against you.

Based on what information do you draw a conclusion to assume he won't build the wall and won't ban all Muslims? Never mind the childish rhetoric he has contrived.

More likely than Bernie? No. Not on your life. Why not write Bernie in as opposed to voting for Trump?

I agree. I think Bernie should run as an Independent.
He won't build a wall because it's too expensive. If a wall was built the cartels will use drones and immigrants boats. So even if he got Mexico to pay the 2 trillion dollars it's a fail which Mexico won't do.

He can ban travel just can't ban for a religion we have this thing called freedom of religion in our Constitution along with many Muslims.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Yup he's gonna do what the rest of you haters have been unable to do in the last 25+ years (crush Hillary).

How did the Benghazi hearings work out?

The Benghazi hearing showed the world what kind of a liar the bitch is and the FBI has not ended the investigation so , stay tuned. Trump will crush the bitch like a twig. TRUMP!
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