Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

How do muslims treat women and homosexuals? How many countries are predominantly muslim? How mature are they?

And your test is based on some ambiguous statement made like it is a certainty. I disagree with your premise.

Israel is a human rights violation in progress. What happens elsewhere is absolutely irrelevant and to attempt to say it does merely shows how questionable your thinking is in general.
Yeah seeing how he was met with no opposition from the right. I mean no one fought against anything he wanted to do. He should have done more.. sarcasm

The things I'm least happy about in terms of his actions were in fact supported by the Right wholeheartedly. Hunting down whistle blowers, getting into more wars, not getting out of any of them (yes we are STILL fighting in Iraq), OR Gitmo, OR bringing Wall Street to justice- or even under control...
How can you guys continue to grow great bud with all this reference to hate and violence toward a very small percent of Jews. Are the cobs that good? All you do is plug in and watch grow?
How can you guys continue to grow great bud with all this reference to hate and violence toward a very small percent of Jews. Are the cobs that good? All you do is plug in and watch grow?

It turns out that the rogue state of Israel is making an outsized mess of things- and that affects me directly in more ways than you realize.

Thus, it is absolutely my business what my government does in my name and with my tax dollars, and I have every right to say whether I think it's a good idea. And I definitely don't think supporting Israel's ongoing crimes against humanity is a good idea for my country!

And I do hope you aren't referring to any of MY posts, because you won't find any references to hating jews from me. Period.

Frankly, if you can't distinguish anti-semitism from criticism of Israeli policy, the problem is yours, not mine.
To be fair, we waxed the VC, fairly early. General Giap's NVA then took over the country and hung on until American protesters made it impossible to continue the war.

Well that's because when you start very avoidable wars ..you fight with one hand behind your back..the only real winners are defense contractors ....the public can't get behind a very avoidable war...the biggest losers are our men n women used as pawns and the victims of the war profiteers. And of course the american taxpayers.
Israel is a human rights violation in progress. What happens elsewhere is absolutely irrelevant and to attempt to say it does merely shows how questionable your thinking is in general.

When the Palestinians stop attacking Israel I will be on your side.
Love you guys. This is fascinating insight into the mind of a man who not only defeated the greatest military in history, but lived to write his memoirs.

I think I can hear those iron balls of his clanging from here!

The general's memoir or lack thereof were not the narrative just seemingly support of it. NV refused to come to Paris until Nixon started bombing Hanoi and Haiphong and then promised to stop if they did. The Paris Peace accord created 2 years of peace. The Democrats spent those 2 years defunding the promise made to SV by us...while the NV spent that time building up the border readying things for the huge ground push they saw coming to pass. What the 94th congress did was despicable... But just another day for Dems. They destroyed what the Paris Peace Accord brought. They are responsible for every death of those trying to escape by boat as well as those killed by the army they emboldened.
How can you guys continue to grow great bud with all this reference to hate and violence toward a very small percent of Jews. Are the cobs that good? All you do is plug in and watch grow?
Is anyone talking about Jews? Or is it just the Israeli government and Mr. Netanyahoo?

Israel deserves the same treatment as Russia for stealing land plain and simple. No reason to kill Palestinians and take their land. But if you feel so strongly about it go to Israel and kill some Palestinians. :)
The general's memoir or lack thereof were not the narrative just seemingly support of it. NV refused to come to Paris until Nixon started bombing Hanoi and Haiphong and then promised to stop if they did. The Paris Peace accord created 2 years of peace. The Democrats spent those 2 years defunding the promise made to SV by us...while the NV spent that time building up the border readying things for the huge ground push they saw coming to pass. What the 94th congress did was despicable... But just another day for Dems. They destroyed what the Paris Peace Accord brought. They are responsible for every death of those trying to escape by boat as well as those killed by the army they emboldened.
To be fair, we waxed the VC, fairly early. General Giap's NVA then took over the country and hung on until American protesters made it impossible to continue the war.
Yes. And you'd be hard pressed to find a Vet (IME) that would disagree with this. The US military itself was not defeated in combat operations however this war was a complete failure. In the end the US had lost the battle of morals with its own people. To believe this didn't influence the Right/Left to begin pandering is naïve.
You could use up all the bandwidth citing the countless events that led up to the Vietnam war (long before JFK and LBJ) and even more after and it wont change a thing.
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Feel so strongly about what?
About the right for the Israeli government to kill Palestinians and take their land of course.

Even a lot of Jews are against it their was a video of Orthodox Jews protesting against their children being forced into the military and the Israeli police beating the shit out of them in the streets. Meanwhile you cry about people talking bad about the Israeli government like they are the ambassador's of Jews. Lol

I know for a fact many Jews in Israel and around the world are against the government and I don't think I have a single Jew in my family. Lol
I bet you would have sided with the Brits against George Washington and the union..

George Washington and the union attacked the british soldiers, they didnt blow up women and children AKA the Palestinians.

I bet you can justify violence whenever you think it suits your side.
George Washington and the union attacked the british soldiers, they didnt blow up women and children AKA the Palestinians.

I bet you can justify violence whenever you think it suits your side.

No.... But if you throw a rock and get shelled by mortars in return ...I'm on the side of the guy throwing a rock. I don't have a dog in this fight, IMO its wrong to give the Israelis 4 billion a year and arm them with the latest n greatest weapons to unleash on peasants...it is none of our business.