Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

Thank you. I try to explain the utter nonsurvivability of any kind of serious nuclear exchange to people and they always say something starting with 'but...'

But nothing. We'll have ceded the world to the cockroaches. Period.

I think your confusing everyone is dumb with, nobody listens to what your saying cause your a raving lunatic.

The surprise for you will come when you meet an old crazy dude and realize he is your soul mate, you get married and realize all that hate for Jews was just Latent homosexual tenancies rising to the surface.
That's not why we did it. It was a war by, for and about arms sales on behalf of our Military Industrial Complex. Let no one tell you different.
I think that was just icing on the cake.

Some truly evil deceptions being made. All for the purpose of increasing control over every person on this planet.

They will tell you red is blue and say it often enough until you truly believe red is blue. They will lie, manipulate and steal because power is their only goal in life.

Why do they own the news? Control.
Why spy on your own people? Control.

it's some very fucked up v for vendetta shit and people are still fighting one another instead of coming together.

Bad is good, up is down, prepare your anus we're going in raw.
That's not why we did it. It was a war by, for and about arms sales on behalf of our Military Industrial Complex. Let no one tell you different.

i know why. oil and the contracts to donors to rebuild the country. the democracy thing was just the selling point of the war criminals to keep the herd chanting "merica" while tying ribbons to everything

remember purple fingers?
1.) We were not there so that the South Vietnamese people could have "freedomz".

2.) I am not a Democrat. Ask anyone here who's been paying attention.

3.) You spelled prospErity wrong.

4.) You are stupid, dickheaddave.

1. We were not in South Korea for Korean "freedomz" either. So what is your point?

2. "If it quacks like a duck".You and ttys*ck both are legends in your own minds, obviously. Yeah, I have seen your nothingness around. No, you didn't leave an impression.

3. Sorry, I score higher in math, logic, and history.

4. Wow, I guess I win. I always can tell when Uncle Puke has lost it when he starts his Jr. High insults

5. Nice name. Female?
you just said we should let two countries end life on earth as we know it, and you accuse others of "not thinking it through"?

you are definitely a retarded person.

Wow. Even on ignore, I can tell this guy would do us all a favor if he didn't contribute to the gene pool.
I am way to young for you broski, you might want to stick with the elderly.

If you're older than 12, my bet is that you've been in a coma for a few years.

Nothing else could explain the contradiction between being this stupid and not having done something to get your fool ass killed by now.
i know why. oil and the contracts to donors to rebuild the country. the democracy thing was just the selling point of the war criminals to keep the herd chanting "merica" while tying ribbons to everything

remember purple fingers?

That too. I keep forgetting Darth Cheney's 'alternate presidency'.