Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

Its pretty clear that for some reason you hate jews. With all the talk you do about helping protect land and such I'm blown away. I never thought you'd be the type of person to hate any race or person for that matter. Shocked.

You have badly mischaracterized my words. I have nothing at all against Jewish people themselves. I have many Jewish friends. I said so above.

However, the State of Israel is NOT an official arm of the Jewish religion, and the Jewish State (they call themselves that) is engaged in genocidal activities specifically outlawed under accepted international law.

You are confused. Not me.
Ah, so you're butt-hurt because you have been duped!

So that's why you continue to spew all of this hate.

Full melt-down! Mission accomplished ttystikk. :lol:

Lol. Where you been? You share one uninformed post in a childish attempt to degrade and I call you on it and you disappear only to come back and project your own butthurt and meltdown. Funny stuff.

You would have more credibility if you came back and rebutted my retort. I can only assume then that you agree... Democrats in the 70's snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Ah, so you're butt-hurt because you have been duped!

So that's why you continue to spew all of this hate.

Full melt-down! Mission accomplished ttystikk. :lol:

I thought you were talking about ttystikk, If I am wrong, please ignore my following comment rollitup
"Spew all this hate"? All I see him doing is calling a spade a spade, in the sense that Israel continues to take land illegally, and continues to kill Palestinians disproportionately to the harm inflicted on them. Did you see that video of that soldier killing that wounded Palestinian? Or that policeman shooting that 16 year old girl repeatedly, while laying on the ground? Go see it on YouTube. Makes me wonder, and a shit load of others in the EU, why hardly any of the attackers are ever taking alive, considering all they have are knives. Since the beginning of October, 199 Palestinians have been killed in shootings and clashes with Israeli forces in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel, while 28 Israelis have been killed in knife and gun attacks. The Jews simply don't take prisoners, but the Palestinians deserve it, right?
Yeah but nobody learns anything or changes their position. Stirring up the hate can be entertaining, but it doesn't really accomplish anything.

I respectfully but strenuously disagree. LOTS of people read these threads, read the arguments on all sides, then come away with a broader perspective than before.

Some of these people just don't have much in the way of real knowledge about the situation in the Middle East in general, or of the Western Power's deep and long standing involvement in the creation of the Jewish State.

Therefore we are educating people, as well.

The bigoted schmucks we argue with are perfect foils for us to present the truth. We can't force people to accept truth, but it is our responsibility to present it in the best way we know how.
"Spew all this hate"? All I see him doing is calling a spade a spade, in the sense that Israel continues to take land illegally, and continues to kill Palestinians disproportionately to the harm inflicted on them. Did you see that video of that soldier killing that wounded Palestinian? Or that policeman shooting that 16 year old girl repeatedly, while laying on the ground? Go see it on YouTube. Makes me wonder, and a shit load of others in the EU, why hardly any of the attackers are ever taking alive, considering all they have are knives. Since the beginning of October, 199 Palestinians have been killed in shootings and clashes with Israeli forces in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel, while 28 Israelis have been killed in knife and gun attacks. The Jews simply don't take prisoners, but the Palestinians deserve it, right?

I think Rollie was referring to bravedave.
Your trying to compare apples to apples, when the deck has been stacked against middle east Muslims since the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
In any act of aggression to find the cause, look to see who perpetrated the first aggression. I would say using international forces, either directly, or indirectly, to take land is an aggressive action.

What were the aggressive actions of the Muslims? Revolting over British rule of their lands? Or was it the fact western powers lied to them about who got the land?

Quite right. The western Powers have been shoving Israel down the throats of the locals for a century now, with no thought or care about the people who were there FIRST, who did nothing to deserve losing their lands, livelihoods and even lives themselves.

Jewish extremists are no different than any others just for being Jewish.

@a mongo frog perhaps you can explain why you think jews should get a free pass for their terrorism?
I think Rollie was referring to bravedave.
Yeah, I think you are correct. I Certainly can understand the confusion. Lol. Especially when the insulter is just inventing because he thinks it will gain him favor with his back-patters or projecting his own emotions on others or the even more obvious, deflection from addressing previous failures.
The girl pulled the knife in front of Israeli soldiers at a controlled point of access, she was going to try and stab an Israeli.

She is lucky she did not attempt to use the knife or she would have been Shot.

Anybody know what the 21 foot rule is?

If you don't then don't question the Israelis actions toward knife wielding assailants.

Anyone else noticed Obama's left the jews along of late, kinda neat letting a country 'Be a Country'
Personal protection is fine, you have that right, against a knife, that's the only right you have, imo. Military detainment because of a knife is ridiculous. The Isreal govt. are fucking hypocrites and do just a much terrorizing as the Palestinians. If I throw a rock at you, I have no right using extreme force to then defend myself against the results of my aggression. Same applies to the US and every country we've involved ourselves in. Isreal should have never gone there, it's there own damn fault for demanding to be put in the middle of a wasp nest.

As soon as the Palestinians stop attacking the Israeli's I am on your side. The development of land is not justification for violence.
@a mongo frog perhaps you can explain why you think jews should get a free pass for their terrorism?
First off your in my top 5 of favorite gardeners to watch on here. But I think your singling out terror groups is crazy talk. Im a big time Jew, trying to become one of the best jewish gardeners bro!!!!! But i live in America, I've never had to live the life that the jews and the Palestinians are living so i wouldn't be qualified to speak on that. And I sure wouldn't comment about it because of some media driven reports. I wish no one killed any one over there, around the world really. I don't know how to answer your question. Sorry.
First off your in my top 5 of favorite gardeners to watch on here. But I think your singling out terror groups is crazy talk. Im a big time Jew, trying to become one of the best jewish gardeners bro!!!!! But i live in America, I've never had to live the life that the jews and the Palestinians are living so i wouldn't be qualified to speak on that. And I sure wouldn't comment about it because of some media driven reports. I wish no one killed any one over there, around the world really. I don't know how to answer your question. Sorry.

I'd start with 'no'.