Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

What makes Jewish extremists any different than Muslim extremists? Other than their numbers? Or are you purposely trying to compare Jews as a whole to muslin extremists as a part, to pad your argument? Muslims on the whole are no more violent than anyone else, or are you that bigoted?

You know I started this thread in the finest @Padawanbater2 tradition of drawing the bigots, racists and other assorted loons out from under their rocks, right?

I can certainly see why he enjoys doing it so much!
The Balfour declaration. .that's what it was, that was what really started it, imo. Zionist organizations made agreements with the British government for the land in Palestine if they got America involved in ww1. Woodrow Wilson was sympathetic to the Jewish people's want of their own land. The Zionists held up there end, wet got involved in WW1, they ended up with isreal.
Whoa. Time for you to do some studying if you think that the ghettos I'm making clear and specific reference to are in any way normal, acceptable or reasonable ways to treat people.
Its pretty clear that for some reason you hate jews. With all the talk you do about helping protect land and such I'm blown away. I never thought you'd be the type of person to hate any race or person for that matter. Shocked.
You know I started this thread in the finest tradition of drawing the bigots

So if I understand correctly where you live there is a tradition of taking turns being the village idiot all under the guise of luring racists and bigots out from under rocks where all racists and bigots hide because thats what they do.

And then what? hatch some kind of plan? maybe eat some sandwich and talk about stuff? I can see your clever plan and how you anonymously used the internet to bait us all into a ?...? WowI have been had!! LOL!! Look at me I totally fell for it lol!!
Great. An early example of inappropriate and illegal political pressure applied to circumvent democracy and the needs of any other peoples but their own. This explains the attitude of the Jewish State towards America; if they get results when treating us this way, why stop?

Only it is from Wikipedia :( and likely been edited a million times by Angry Arabs, and Zionists who failed to lure racists and bigots out on the internet.
So your saying the jews are actually not doing anything any different than Muslims and this is just the way people live?
Your trying to compare apples to apples, when the deck has been stacked against middle east Muslims since the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
In any act of aggression to find the cause, look to see who perpetrated the first aggression. I would say using international forces, either directly, or indirectly, to take land is an aggressive action.

What were the aggressive actions of the Muslims? Revolting over British rule of their lands? Or was it the fact western powers lied to them about who got the land?
Why don't you tell us who perpetrated it?
As I was typing that I realized it's a slippery slope. I've always asked where in history do you want the cutoff to be on arguments like this. You can't really say, before this point didn't matter. .Where's that point? 1,000,000 years ago some pre humans might have started a beef that we still have going, we just have no idea it started over a mammoth leg.
As I was typing that I realized it's a slippery slope. I've always asked where in history do you want the cutoff to be on arguments like this. You can't really say, before this point didn't matter. .Where's that point? 1,000,000 years ago some pre humans might have started a beef that we still have going, we just have no idea it started over a mammoth leg.
Mmm mammoth...
You know I started this thread in the finest @Padawanbater2 tradition of drawing the bigots, racists and other assorted loons out from under their rocks, right?

I can certainly see why he enjoys doing it so much!
I call bullshit. I believe you started this because a story, incomplete of relevant facts, while plum full of tangential info biased in favor of one point of view, lined up with your own twisted, uninformed or misinformed view. Nobody here has shown to be more of a bigot, racist, loon, than you.
I stopped at "reports" the only reason is a report is not a fact, I made a report last night that I did 11... or is it 12 bong rips before I was abducted by large breasted females from the planet Vaginatron. I may go ti wikipedia and start a page, but not sure I want everyone with half a brain editing my truthful factual Wiki page.
Maybe you should have read the piece and learned a little. Truman's stance on the creation of Israel is a well know FACT, as is the letter signed by the US Senators to any country that accepted aid is a FACT What, do you think I'm making this shit up? Why don't you show me something, seeing that all the evidence that I have presented to you seems to be useless. Oh, and maybe you should put down that bong for a while, seeing that you get some weird thoughts when high (Vaginatron?)
I've come to the conclusion that most of what we think we know about historical events is bullshit.
I'm here for entertainment, I never expect any serious dialog on here. ...sometimes I blow off some steam :cuss:, but them I'm good. .:blsmoke:
I am happy that you have concluded that what history you thought you knew was bullshit. Big of you to admit and I agree.