Well-Known Member
It’s really a best-case scenario. The economy consistently moving in the right direction with job growth that is pretty remarkable.
Republicans are proud to broadcast to the world how wonderful America is in one breath and decry how horrible it is with a Democrat in the Oval Office without ever skipping a beat. Their contradictory statements notwithstanding, they know America is thriving and the economic report released Friday proves it. But according to economic experts across the nation, there was more good economic news in the report than just another month of healthy job gains.
Although Americans still need a raise, something President Obama has called for since 2009, after years of economic desperation, American workers are finally regaining some of the ground they lost in the last Republican-created recession and the Republican-obstructed recovery that followed. According to the latest economic reports for March, under President Obama “companies have been hiring at a pace not seen before in this century, and wages are rising faster than inflation.” That was not the only good news.
It is fairly well-known that unemployment is in the proximity of the low levels last reached before Republicans nearly destroyed the economy; Republicans cannot deny that. However, the fact that the army of unemployed people who gave up and dropped out of the job market is not only back looking for work, but actually finding decent work with decent wages; it blows completely out of the water whatever absurd assertions Republicans make about declining unemployment numbers being due to lazy Americans dropping out of the workforce.
The Labor Department report on Friday past noted that the “215,000 jump in payrolls capped the best two-year period for hiring since the late 1990s;” during the last Democratic president’s administration. And, “the proportion of Americans in the labor force which had been on a downward trajectory since 2001 and an even steeper slide since 2008 hit a two-year high” during the current Democratic President’s Administration.
The good economic news may be anathema to Republicans, but it has been touted by economists as a very encouraging sign that President Obama’s policies have brought America from the brink of financial collapse to normalcy.
Republicans are proud to broadcast to the world how wonderful America is in one breath and decry how horrible it is with a Democrat in the Oval Office without ever skipping a beat. Their contradictory statements notwithstanding, they know America is thriving and the economic report released Friday proves it. But according to economic experts across the nation, there was more good economic news in the report than just another month of healthy job gains.
Although Americans still need a raise, something President Obama has called for since 2009, after years of economic desperation, American workers are finally regaining some of the ground they lost in the last Republican-created recession and the Republican-obstructed recovery that followed. According to the latest economic reports for March, under President Obama “companies have been hiring at a pace not seen before in this century, and wages are rising faster than inflation.” That was not the only good news.
It is fairly well-known that unemployment is in the proximity of the low levels last reached before Republicans nearly destroyed the economy; Republicans cannot deny that. However, the fact that the army of unemployed people who gave up and dropped out of the job market is not only back looking for work, but actually finding decent work with decent wages; it blows completely out of the water whatever absurd assertions Republicans make about declining unemployment numbers being due to lazy Americans dropping out of the workforce.
The Labor Department report on Friday past noted that the “215,000 jump in payrolls capped the best two-year period for hiring since the late 1990s;” during the last Democratic president’s administration. And, “the proportion of Americans in the labor force which had been on a downward trajectory since 2001 and an even steeper slide since 2008 hit a two-year high” during the current Democratic President’s Administration.
The good economic news may be anathema to Republicans, but it has been touted by economists as a very encouraging sign that President Obama’s policies have brought America from the brink of financial collapse to normalcy.