Are there any smart Trump supporters? for thought. I hear California is passing a law that sex without verbal consent can be considered rape. This is amending the current standard that a woman must verbally say no for it to be rape to account for woman being drugged or blackout drunk and such.

But again, the argument that maturity is subjective thus a general age is invalid is foolish. Every 13-15 year old on the planet (pretty much) will claim emotional maturity. Very few have any concept as to what that really entails. How are we to know the difference and how would you judge a situation like that in a court of law? Especially in the case that a child was conned, which certainly happens.

Do you find any irony that the State of California which arises from coercion* is pretending to be about protecting peoples rights to consent or not?

*non consenting automatic membership of all the people in a given geographical area, with or without their individual consent
Thank you for your reasonable response. I'm pretty happy wherever I am, so Iceland is probably not in my future.

So. for practicality sake some peoples rights should be trampled on ?

No problem man. I never saw a discussion helped by being rude. (Although admittedly it is sometimes fun).

I hate to say it....but fair ain't our friend.

So again, suggest a better system and I'll support it.

"Capitalism is the worst form of government, other then every other form of government".

I've lived in the middle east, I'll take america and all its flaws over most anywhere any day. People fight and die for less freedom then we have currently all the time.

The real reason we don't have a perfect Utopian society and never will is that we are imperfect beings, and what you consider perfect is someone else's version of unfair and fucked up.

So really when people say "things could be better" what they are really saying is "things would be better for ME and I think everyone else, if everything were the way I want it" (I'm including myself in that, mind you). doesn't hurt to keep striving for something better. But given that even that is subjective I wouldn't go cutting my nose off to spite my face.
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Do you find any irony that the State of California which arises from coercion* is pretending to be about protecting peoples rights to consent or not?

*non consenting automatic membership of all the people in a given geographical area, with or without their individual consent
I find irony (and hypocricy... And vile lies...and sociopathic Messiah complexes) in virtually ALL politics...

If there is an opportunity to change any of it I'm on board...but until then I do what I can.

Personally I view completely not playing the same as consent. But I'm speaking out and taking action is something firmly ingrained in my culture from the survivors of WW2. Or maybe I just personally took to that viewpoint....meh

P.S. Also I've got to say...if I were to be upset that im automatically expected to follow rules made by a government that was here long before I was born simply because they didn't consult me personally and I dislike some of the rules that I dont think are as fair as they could be? (which implies that I have a right to speak out in the first place... which is huge) would kinda sound like one of the worst "1st world problems" situations ever.

Your argument tries to draw a line between right and wrong. Things are never black and white....I find more often then not both pale in comparison to the amount of grey.
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The only thing correct in your quoted post was..."Ok Rob. You win. " You conflated the rest as if they were my points and stated beliefs, they weren't.

Also, you made another error, you can't give me consent to have a delusional day or otherwise, only we, as individuals can provide our own consent.

Right, so by not actually confronting my premise, you've agreed. In your mind, it's ok to have sex with a drunk adult, a mentally handicapped adult, and a child. But not necessarily at the same time, but in your case I wouldn't be surprised.

Do you think it is ok for one adult of capable mind to have sex with another adult of not capable mind?
Out of context sir.

I said a person can hold a position of indifference which is different than an actionable harm.

Causing an actionable harm would be like going to another persons property and defecating on it, even when they didn't want you there.

Indifference could mean you saw a person defecating on another persons property, and did nothing to facilitate it or stop it. You were a nonparticipant in a physical presence kind of way, etc.

so, did denial of service to blacks cause harm, or merely "indifference"?

don't avoid answering yet another question, like you always do.

racist coward.
Sock puppet? Ahh no.
This is just one of my new hobbies...studying Douchedom on RIU politics forum. Sometimes I get through so I figure I'm doing a public service..reducing douchery, one douche at a time.

You joined a marijuana growing website less than 7 weeks ago to discuss politics ?

uncle faggot.JPG
your family owned slaves.


You joined a marijuana growing website less than 7 weeks ago to discuss politics ?

View attachment 3649917
LOL, are you seriously creepin on my profile page? What do you care why I joined RIU? Furthermore, I could get back to the Bohdi thread if I'd STOP GETTING ALERTS in the politics section.
I just happen to take human rights issues very seriously and the RIU politics section provides a steady stream of WTF material.
Now, there are varying degrees of "obtuse ignorance" and "persistent body odor" that can add to the "I sleep with a blowup doll" creep factor appearance of your postings I could comment on. But I digress... I understand having the brain of fruit-fly cant be any easy cross to bear. Next....
it would be if one member were that mythical 10 year old who you think can consent to sex with you, pedo.

Since you seem so interested in this topic, perhaps you could say at which age you think all people develop the wherewithal
to consent ?

Your evasion of that question is creepily evasive.
Sock puppet? Ahh no.
This is just one of my new hobbies...studying Douchedom on RIU politics forum. Sometimes I get through so I figure I'm doing a public service..reducing douchery, one douche at a time.

Well, Tangerine Douche Studier person, be careful here, some of the members are known citrus thieves.
Right, so by not actually confronting my premise, you've agreed. In your mind, it's ok to have sex with a drunk adult, a mentally handicapped adult, and a child. But not necessarily at the same time, but in your case I wouldn't be surprised.

Do you think it is ok for one adult of capable mind to have sex with another adult of not capable mind?

.333 is a decent batting average, but a poor score for an aspiring mindreader ...don't give up your day job.

For arguments sake, I've had sex with a drunk adult. Banged the hell out of her. Made her coffee in the morning too.
so, did denial of service to blacks cause harm, or merely "indifference"?

don't avoid answering yet another question, like you always do.

racist coward.

Whether an actionable harm happened or not, depends on the specific circumstances. I'll give you some generic examples below of the difference between an actionable harm and indifference.

One important thing to know is - Was a prior agreement mutually entered into by both parties wherein a service was agreed to and neither party was under duress when the agreement was made?

For instance, if a person paid you to shit on a floor, and you then spent the money without delivering the fecal deposit, the person who paid you is the aggrieved party. You would have committed fraud, and thus committed a harm. You owe that person some shit.

If a different scenario, say for instance, you made an offer to shit on a persons floor, but the potential customer, said no thank you, I don't want you to, and you went away without further engagement... That would be an example of indifference. No interaction took place, since one or both of the involved parties did not consent to the interaction.

Hope that helps, Poopy Pants.
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I find irony (and hypocricy... And vile lies...and sociopathic Messiah complexes) in virtually ALL politics...

If there is an opportunity to change any of it I'm on board...but until then I do what I can.

Personally I view completely not playing the same as consent. But I'm speaking out and taking action is something firmly ingrained in my culture from the survivors of WW2. Or maybe I just personally took to that viewpoint....meh

P.S. Also I've got to say...if I were to be upset that im automatically expected to follow rules made by a government that was here long before I was born simply because they didn't consult me personally and I dislike some of the rules that I dont think are as fair as they could be? (which implies that I have a right to speak out in the first place... which is huge) would kinda sound like one of the worst "1st world problems" situations ever.

Your argument tries to draw a line between right and wrong. Things are never black and white....I find more often then not both pale in comparison to the amount of grey.

While I'd agree with you there might be some circumstances which are not clear cut, sometimes things are black and white.

Nobody should delegate a right they do not posses, especially thru acts of coercion and threatened violence against another peaceful or indifferent person.

None of us have the right to dictate another persons life, all of us have the right to defend our own.
.333 is a decent batting average, but a poor score for an aspiring mindreader ...don't give up your day job.

For arguments sake, I've had sex with a drunk adult. Banged the hell out of her. Made her coffee in the morning too.

I'm glad you've conceded to my point. It's good to know you can distinguish between an adult who can consent and be of right mind and one who is not capable of giving consent (even though they may have given consent in some form).