Going Vertical - 4x4 Tent


Well-Known Member
I never in my life have been to someone's house with out AC lol
My ac went out for a few days before that's its but thanks


Well-Known Member
Would evaporative cooling, aka swamp coolers, be helpful in your area? They need low humidity to be effective.
I've looked into it, not effective I don't think. Its quite humid where I am.

Meanwhile I killed the 400w. Started noticing the plants looking a little stressed. Pretty sure its heat related.

So running the 1kw alone again.

Think the next best step is going to be fan upgrade and I'm keen on looking into dwc.


Well-Known Member
Hey @ttystikk which of the following buckets would be best for dwc? Having trouble finding a black bucket for some reason lol

The orange one comes with an orange lid.
I was thinking the blue bucket I could just tape aluminium tape to black out the white lid?

Both are 20l



Well-Known Member
Hey @ttystikk which of the following buckets would be best for dwc? Having trouble finding a black bucket for some reason lol

The orange one comes with an orange lid.
I was thinking the blue bucket I could just tape aluminium tape to black out the white lid?

Both are 20l
I used the type that most closely resembles the orange one.