Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton.... Just sayin!!
Have you seen Obama's rules for engagement with our military in the middle east? No wonder so many of our soldiers come back wounded or dead. Our ground troops are basically sitting ducks with their hands tied. It's a disgrace.
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Well-Known Member
ISIS uses Trump in ad to try and recruit new Jihadists. If they really want to use Trump to promote their particular brand of bullshit, the best chance they have would be a large scale terrorist attack in America, 3 weeks before election. I'm not saying they should, but it would certainly help get Trump elected.

Yeah nice try

They used Trump's quote in that propaganda clip to add credibility to their cause. True leadership shown by the authoritarian fascist you support for president


Well-Known Member
Have you seen Obama's relue for engagement with our military in the middle east? No wonder so many of our soldiers come back wounded or dead. Our ground troops are basically sitting ducks with their hands tied. It's a disgrace. Either use them or bring 'em home!
Hysterical outrage, Obama and 'relue'. Same old same old


Well-Known Member
Have you seen Obama's relue for engagement with our military in the middle east? No wonder so many of our soldiers come back wounded or dead. Our ground troops are basically sitting ducks with their hands tied. It's a disgrace.
“I love Israel, but I want to remain as neutral as possible. If you’re not somewhat neutral, the other side is never going to do it. But just remember, Israel. I love you.”

“I’m a negotiator. If I go in, I’ll say I’m pro-Israel and I’ve told that to everybody and anybody that would listen. But I would like to at least have the other side think I’m somewhat neutral as to them so that we can maybe get a deal done.” -Donald Trump

Hey, does Donald Trump know they have cable TV and the internet in Middle Eastern countries? Remember that time you called Obama a coward for dropping pamphlets before a bombing raid to reduce civilian casualties? Why aren't you calling Trump a coward for giving away his entire negotiation tactic before he even wins the republican primary? Do you think any Arab leaders are going to believe any of his bullshit?

That's leadership I guess!


Well-Known Member
Pada is a globalist. It's impossible to be pro-American and not be a fascist
"Fascism - a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."

Pretty much everything that America doesn't stand for and many Americans died fighting against

Your political philosophies and the policies Trump supports are inconsistent with American values, just like Sharia Law and religious fundamentalism


Well-Known Member
Border wide open. Get free stuff.
Cubans handed cash, Social Security card, food stamps, Medicaid at U.S. border
"During a field trip to the Laredo, Texas crossing point, two experts from the Center for Immigration Studies documented how Cubans are provided with the services free of charge in a storefront operation set up by a Cuban immigrant, who even provides housing and schedules transportation to Miami."

"The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a non-profit research organization that advocates immigration reduction in the United States."

"The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published reports in 2002 and 2009 claiming to connect CIS to John Tanton, who helped found various other organizations, including the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and NumbersUSA, and alleging that he has ties to white supremacy groups and a eugenics foundation.

The SPLC's 2009 report charged:

"FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA are all part of a network of restrictionist organizations conceived and created by John Tanton, the "puppeteer" of the nativist movement and a man with deep racist roots ... CIS was conceived by Tanton and began life as a program of FAIR. CIS presents itself as a scholarly think tank that produces serious immigration studies meant to serve "the broad national interest." But the reality is that CIS has never found any aspect of immigration that it liked, and it has frequently manipulated data to achieve the results it seeks.""

"In 2004, a Wall Street Journal editorial repeated the SPLC's allegation that CIS is part of a network of organizations founded by Tanton and also charged that these organizations are "trying to stop immigration to the U.S." It quoted Chris Cannon, at the time a Republican U.S. Representative from Utah, as saying, "Tanton set up groups like CIS and FAIR to take an analytical approach to immigration from a Republican point of view so that they can give cover to Republicans who oppose immigration for other reasons.""


Well-Known Member
ISIS uses Trump in ad to try and recruit new Jihadists. If they really want to use Trump to promote their particular brand of bullshit, the best chance they have would be a large scale terrorist attack in America, 3 weeks before election. I'm not saying they should, but it would certainly help get Trump elected.

That terrorist attack that you speak of would have to kill just about every citizen in the United States that isn't in the klan. Otherwise trump still loses.


Well-Known Member
I still want to see trumps tax returns.....I smell something fishy. I don't think he has as much money as people think, it's mostly smoke....just like trump
Trump said he would release them once the audit was over. It may surprise you to find out he gets audited every single year. That qualifies as government harassment in my book.

Why is it anyone's business (including the government) if he is worth 2 billion or 20 billion?


Well-Known Member
I see one of the students at that atlanta college said that when someone used chalk to write trump 2016 all over campus, that is was comparable to burning crosses.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Trump said he would release them once the audit was over. It may surprise you to find out he gets audited every single year. That qualifies as government harassment in my book.

Why is it anyone's business (including the government) if he is worth 2 billion or 20 billion?
Once the sudit is over he'll release his taxes, stop repeating what faux says, the IRS has said an audit will not prevent him from releasing his taxes.

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