Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Again, that is the maximum sentence. It aint gonna happen.
There is such a thing as Disparate sentencing under criminal law. They must give you close to the average sentence that the average convict would get for this crime. That's why Paris Hilton got 30days in jail for DUI.....equal treatment under the law....even if your rich


Well-Known Member
There is such a thing as Disparate sentencing under criminal law. They must give you close to the average sentence that the average convict would get for this crime. That's why Paris Hilton got 30days in jail for DUI.....equal treatment under the law....even if your rich
so then how did patreus luck out?


Well-Known Member
Right wingers love them that violence. Oh yeah, blame the person assaulted. Typical of you.
ROFMAO!!! It wasnt assault, it didnt even rise to that level. Oh yeah, conflate things totally out of proportion. Typical of you.

She didnt even scream out in pain when it happened. She was like Owwwwwww, he grabbed my arm really hard....


Well-Known Member
The democratic judges are the reason ranchers get shot and the price of a cake goes to 150K . I think that is one of the reasons Trump gets support like he does. imo TRUMP!
"Nominating Mr. Trump could create a political battlefield of extraordinary breadth and volatility. Polling shows that he would enter the general election trailing badly against Hillary Clinton, and he has become deeply unpopular outside of his white, heavily male political base."

"Former Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota, an influential Republican strategist and fund-raiser, said Mr. Trump’s nomination could imperil even the party’s seemingly iron grip on the House. Mr. Coleman said major donors were increasingly focused on building a “firewall” around Congress, because they believe Democrats would easily defeat Mr. Trump and keep control of the White House."
* burns nyt 3/28/16

“Everything is in play: the presidency, the Supreme Court, the Senate and potentially the House,” he said.
recklessly delusional and part of the future fringe movement to install trump as dictator of the dolts
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Well-Known Member
ROFMAO!!! It wasnt assault, it didnt even rise to that level. Oh yeah, conflate things totally out of proportion. Typical of you.

She didnt even scream out in pain when it happened. She was like Owwwwwww, he grabbed my arm really hard....
Campaign manager bitch would have held off grabbing anyone that might have split his wig. He was like, let's do it trump style and fuck with a woman. Our moron supporters will get hate boners.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
"Nominating Mr. Trump could create a political battlefield of extraordinary breadth and volatility. Polling shows that he would enter the general election trailing badly against Hillary Clinton, and he has become deeply unpopular outside of his white, heavily male political base."

"Former Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota, an influential Republican strategist and fund-raiser, said Mr. Trump’s nomination could imperil even the party’s seemingly iron grip on the House. Mr. Coleman said major donors were increasingly focused on building a “firewall” around Congress, because they believe Democrats would easily defeat Mr. Trump and keep control of the White House."
* burns nyt 3/28/16

“Everything is in play: the presidency, the Supreme Court, the Senate and potentially the House,” he said.

recklessly delusional and part of the future fringe movement to install trump as dictator of the dolts

If any of that was true, you wouldn't be acting like you do. imo TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
If any of that was true, you wouldn't be acting like you do. imo TRUMP!
As far as sources of "truth" between you and an article on the cover of the NYT ???

Lol you are a fringey, freak, wing nut, racist cave dweller posting on a stoner column and seem to be unaffected by the hundreds of rebukes and refutations of your laughable nonsense. You are immune to logic, correction and critical thinking. I do grant you that.

The NYT is in the biz of journalism and read by millions. You are mocked by hundreds and believed by none.


Well-Known Member
If I didn't know any better, I would see this post and make the reasonable leap of believing that you're condoning violence against women. I was always taught that there is never an excuse to (violently) put your hands on a woman.
In this case the excuse was the weaselly campaign manager was reasonably confident she wouldn't rock the china out of his head. If it was someone with the capacity to defend themselves they mighta called sheriff arapaio


Well-Known Member
LOL!!! You dont have a lawyer for a misdemeanor trial... I am sure Trump will be happy to pay the fine.

What a whiny little bitch that reporter is.
I actually had a lawyer for every single class A misdemeanor charge I have had that's quite a few all public defenders. The few class B charges they don't give you a lawyer though. So yeah he can get more than a fine and probably will without a lawyer most I got was time over my head for 1 year of good behavior and had to pay fines and more fines if I fucked up on the good behavior. But if I didn't take the plea deal and fought it without a lawyer I would have gotten at least probation.
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