Donald Trump

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trump couldn't beat either one of them....together they would be unstoppable
That would be an intriguing ticket to say the least if for no other reason than to bring the Bernie supporters over to Hillary's camp my second choice would be an all women ticket Clinton/Warren. I'm afraid the Socailist tag might hurt the ticket if Clinton/Sanders were to run, and Clinton/Warren could be a stretch because of Hillary's ties to Wall Street.

Am I the only one who isn't sure what to believe that trump says anymore? I mean if he's elected would he even do any of the shit he talks about?! I'm second guessing everything with this dude now, I feel it may be all for show?

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the nomination or something and then plops a 180 and starts blabbing totally different agendas
He's a loose canon that's for sure hence the fact the GOP establishment is so afraid of him, all that talk that they represent a kumbaya feeling is so full of shit.

It's an apt caricature of the ass backwards idiots dancing to the beat of this hideous clowns thumping. Youre aware of how fucking cancerous that shit is.. fucking phony asshat

You're as ignorant as your brown shirt, cave dwelling buddies.View attachment 3632754

Are you making fun of my drumming or something there ? You accuse Trump of racist, and never show some of it. I`m not one to make anyone cite stuff so relax, but I just can`t find any.
@AlphaPhase Let's go even further into the article...

" which they [LGBT minorities] are neither fully accepted nor understood by mainly white LGBT communities, nor are they accepted by their own ethnic group."

"Many people experience racism in the dominant LGBT community in which racial stereotypes merge with gender stereotypes; for example, Asian-American LGBTs are viewed as more passive and feminine, while African-American LGBTs are viewed as more masculine and aggressive."

"The short-lived National Socialist League of the United States limited its membership to gay Aryans."

"Some Mizrahi Jews and Arab Jews report exclusion and discrimination by the Ashkenazi LGBT community in Israel."

These are all examples of someone being of one race who's homosexual being discriminated by another homosexual who's of a different race, which is thus racism. There's also another good word for being against someone who's LGBT which is: homophobia.
@AlphaPhase Let's go even further into the article...

" which they [LGBT minorities] are neither fully accepted nor understood by mainly white LGBT communities, nor are they accepted by their own ethnic group."

"Many people experience racism in the dominant LGBT community in which racial stereotypes merge with gender stereotypes; for example, Asian-American LGBTs are viewed as more passive and feminine, while African-American LGBTs are viewed as more masculine and aggressive."

"The short-lived National Socialist League of the United States limited its membership to gay Aryans."

"Some Mizrahi Jews and Arab Jews report exclusion and discrimination by the Ashkenazi LGBT community in Israel."

These are all examples of someone being of one race who's homosexual being discriminated by another homosexual who's of a different race, which is thus racism. There's also another good word for being against someone who's LGBT which is: homophobia.
Exactly the point I was leading the journey to, thank you!
Exactly the point I was leading the journey to, thank you!

Oh so you flipped your position from you're a racist if you don't like gay people? Because you just pointed out the complete opposite, that if you don't like gay people you're not racist, but a bigot like everyone else pointed out and you double downed on.

You just pointed out yourself that being against LGBT is: discrimination and/or bigotry. "Racism against members of any race, ethnicity, or nationality can occur and may include discrimination and bigotry." The article you linked specifically talks about racism in the LGBT community, not racism at the LGBT community.
Exactly what I was saying last night and this proves my point.
Holy crap man. The first sentence says racism may also include bigotry and discrimination. They are the same slices in a loaf of bread, get over it.
She was against gay marriage. (racist against gay people)


Holy crap man. The first sentence says racism may also include bigotry and discrimination. They are the same slices in a loaf of bread, get over it.

You completely failed to understand what that sentence means if you think that.

Once more, the article is about racism in the LGBT community, eg a gay white man being racist against a gay black man. What it is saying is that views of gay people of different races can be racist (due to ethnic stereotypes) which also include bigotry and discrimination (due to gender stereotypes).

You're wrong, holy crap man get over it. ;)
It all feels the same. Does racism hurt more than being discriminated against? Is there a way to measure the hurt to determine which is being used!?
It all feels the same.

Hmmm, well here's an example if how I think about it: Scotch is whiskey, but not all whiskey is scotch; tequila is mezcal, but not all mezcal is tequila. Racism, bigotry, prejudice can be all the same thing, but racism pertains to ethnicity/race/nationality, whereas prejudice and bigotry are broader terms that can encompass gender, religion, sexual-preference, down to physical, mental attributes.

Edited to add: If I said I hate midgets, I wouldn't be racist, but I'd be prejudice. If I said I hated Asian midgets, and specifically asian midgets I'd be racist also in my prejudice.
Are you making fun of my drumming or something there ? You accuse Trump of racist, and never show some of it. I`m not one to make anyone cite stuff so relax, but I just can`t find any.
Oh, you're one of those. It's not racist to you until you hear the n-word. I've encountered many of your kind. It's a defense mechanism. It allows you to justify this outlandish behavior. You don't see it because you don't want to see it. Don't you find it a bit strange that you can't see it but the klan can?
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