What does immunity for Clinton email staffer signal? Has a grand jury convened?

Does it make you feel sad inside to know that you're one of only a few people left that deny "human caused global warming climate change"?

I bet you're the dumbass who put all his money on Pacquiao when he fought Mayweather.

I don't claim to know for sure either way about global warming, or "climate change" . It's an interesting topic though.

I do know whether it exists or not, it is too good of a thing for the statist authorities to let go without using it to expand their control.

Does it make you feel sad when Al Gore flies all around in jets and stuffs his ever expanding face at banquets and tells you "do as I say, not as I do" ?
Actually I have. It was done just for my own training and to see just how it felt. Believe me its torture. Feels like you about to drown and can't do shit about it. I didn't last long until I said enough.

Are you sure you're not just reminiscing about some of your boot camp secret golden shower escapades?
Are you sure you're not just reminiscing about some of your boot camp secret golden shower escapades?
Hmmmmmm. I might be thinking of when your mom did her "squirter act " for me and the guys in the dorm. That chick brought a whole new meaning to making it rain. Can she still do that shit ?
Yes, we know you are.

It was pretty funny when you were sporting my Trump is crushing it quote, and took it down. And it was funny when bearkat took down his dick in the cops ass display. You guys are looking pretty weak, and that is funny. TRUMP!
It was pretty funny when you were sporting my Trump is crushing it quote, and took it down. And it was funny when bearkat took down his dick in the cops ass display. You guys are looking pretty weak, and that is funny. TRUMP!
Both physically and mentally, I got you beat old man. All day, every day.
