Donald Trump

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Why do you and Buck keep posting a .xls link? I'm not familiar with that abbreviation or acronym, or whatever it is. black/white crime statistics need to take into account percentage of population. You do know that right?
you are know that right. XLS (eXceL Spreadsheet ) is a file extension for a spreadsheet file format created by Microsoft. Who the hell let you on a computer. The link I gave is straight from the FBI stats. Dumb ass Trump supporter.
you are know that right. XLS (eXceL Spreadsheet ) is a file extension for a spreadsheet file format created by Microsoft. Who the hell let you on a computer. The link I gave is straight from the FBI stats. Dumb ass Trump supporter.
I'm not opening any corrupted spreadsheet files. Post a different link
My brother from another mother. It's time to stop with all the Obama racial divisiveness. Instead of pitting one American against another, Trump will bring us all together.... In 2017

didn't the KKK tell its klansmen to go out and volunteer for trump though?

is the KKK for racial unity?
Why do you and Buck keep posting a .xls link? I'm not familiar with that abbreviation or acronym, or whatever it is. black/white crime statistics need to take into account percentage of population. You do know that right?

you asked for the frequency and i gave it to you.

white on white killings are more frequent than black on black killings.
I would rather leave you stupid. Dumb fucker don't even know what an xls file is. WTF...again what do you do for a living ?
Chill out buddy. No need to freak and spazz out on me.

Compared to the percentage of population, the black murder rate is much higher white.

13% black
80% white
^^^^ Come on essay. If we are counting Hispanics as whites in crime statistics (thanks to Bill Clinton)
Then it is only fair to count them in with percentage of population. Duh
Don't try to pull one over on me, wise guy. This isn't my first rodeo.
my mom a few years ago and a I quote said "trump is snooty" and I know what she meant but I felt frustrated as hell for her to make up an opinion on someone she doesnt know. Her fiance is a businessman and brainwashes her so I suspected she was going to blindly follow trump and sadly shes become one of those "we need a strong businessman" type. That pissed me off so much I havent talked to her since then
Don't try to pull one over on me wise guy, this isn't my first rodeo.

if you ever tried to participate in a rodeo, the ASPCA would have to get involved to make sure you didn't kill any livestock by attempting to mount them.

long story short, you are fat.

my mom a few years ago and a I quote said "trump is snooty" and I know what she meant but I felt frustrated as hell for her to make up an opinion on someone she doesnt know. Her fiance is a businessman and brainwashes her so I suspected she was going to blindly follow trump and sadly shes become one of those "we need a strong businessman" type. That pissed me off so much I havent talked to her since then
You sound like a snobby little brat
You guys are better than me. I refuse to argue the subject of black on black crime with someone who couldn't care less about it if it was happening on Mars. He's clearly using it as a diversionary tactic because it effectively changes the subject. It's the same bullshit they pull when discussing police on black violence. Like one has anything to do with the other. I can't do it.
^^^^ Come on essay. If we are counting Hispanics as whites in crime statistics (thanks to Bill Clinton)
Then it is only fair to count them in with percentage of population. Duh
Don't try to pull one over on me, wise guy. This isn't my first rodeo.
even then it equals 80% 6 years ago, as if people are pure breeding and not mixing their genes, so its still less than 80, besides trump n mexicans dont mix well so u cant count on them voting for him haha
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