Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
You guys are better than me. I refuse to argue the subject of black on black crime with someone who couldn't care less about it if it was happening on Mars. He's clearly using it as a diversionary tactic because it effectively changes the subject. It's the same bullshit they pull when discussing police on black violence. Like one has anything to do with the other. I can't do it.
Yet at the same time you constantly go on about slavery. Ironic eh?


Well-Known Member
even then it equals 80% 6 years ago, as if people are pure breeding and not mixing their genes, so its still less than 80, besides trump n mexicans dont mix well so u cant count on them voting for him haha
Weak bail out. You should have just admitted you're wrong, at least then you could maintain some level of credibility.


Well-Known Member
You guys are better than me. I refuse to argue the subject of black on black crime with someone who couldn't care less about it if it was happening on Mars. He's clearly using it as a diversionary tactic because it effectively changes the subject. It's the same bullshit they pull when discussing police on black violence. Like one has anything to do with the other. I can't do it.
Just block it all out, and pretend it's not happening. That's what politicians do


Well-Known Member
that's also what you did when i pointed out that you plagiarized from niggermania.
Am I still being trolled with proven lies by a midget Jewish diptard named Andy? lol
Are you still suffering from a little guy with a big keyboard complex?


Well-Known Member
Weak bail out. You should have just admitted you're wrong, at least then you could maintain some level of credibility.
No I merely stated that you were wrong with the rules in your own little world, but in the real world hispanics are NOT white as far as I'm concerned.


Well-Known Member
Am I still being trolled with proven lies by a midget Jewish diptard named Andy? lol
Are you still suffering from a little guy with a big keyboard complex?
Bro take a reality check. Characterizing people as "jew" "homo" "black" etc exposes your pathetic ignorance and impotence. You present as the creepiest flaccid ignorant clown. You might take pride in hideous idiot stupidity. The rest of us recognize you as a slimy juvenile suffering the plight of cultural poverty and intellectual asphyxiation.
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