Donald Trump

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I'm in the fatherland. U forget whitey controls this country and all others are just here to be oppressed by the bad white man. BAD WHITE MAN BAD!
You are the stupifiest and slimiest pos ive seen here. White isnt an achievement you fucking albino weasel.

The stench coming off your post demonstrates you cant even control your bowels.
I said it all along TRUMP will be next in the white house,wheather we like it or not.YES iam a reg, dem, but the truth is the truth just wait and see but if I was beating money mine would be on trump,wheather I like him or not.
I understand what you mean, but the demographics have just recently begun to change. These things need time to evolve. When it becomes a two man race, it will be easier to get a better idea of how Trump will win Massachusetts and California. We are just going to have to wait a little bit longer
Too funny this. Trump wins California and Massachusets only if he turns the clock back to 1986 as in Orwell's '86.

You are whistling past the graveyard, dude. Cool Try
I fucking love who I am and the long, long history my family has in this country. My family has earned the right to be proud of who we are.
Being proud of being born white is like giving yourself a trophy for just showing up. As in soccer tournaments where kids are given a trophy for being there. Getting a trophy for just showing up is the worst way to teach kids resilience and resolve. White pride is just another way of saying you are weak. No wonder most can't hold a good job. Cry babies too.
Being proud of being born white is like giving yourself a trophy for just showing up. As in soccer tournaments where kids are given a trophy for being there. Getting a trophy for just showing up is the worst way to teach kids resilience and resolve. White pride is just another way of saying you are weak. No wonder most can't hold a good job. Cry babies too.

Call it what u want it's still a blessing!
Idiot its no blessing to be a jackass whose main point of pride is skin color. You are a cursed simpleton. Youre too fucking simple to grasp that you're a turd in a fishbowl of diarrhea.

I love life. U don't hear me constantly whining and bitching about everything imaginable like you grown pussies!

I hear you uttering the simplest assholery that reveals you are stupider than shit. A fucking lout without a trace of wit, intellect or character is who loves life? Idiot, life isnt what takes place under a rock.
Idiot its no blessing to be an idiot whose main point of pride is skin color. You are a cursed simpleton. Youre too fucking simple to grasp that you're a turd in fishbowl of diarrhea.

I hear you uttering the simplest assholery that reveals you are stupider than shit. A fucking lout without a trace of wit, intellect or character is who loves life? Idiot, life isnt what takes place under a rock.
Now that all of u pussies are good and pissed off I'm gonna go have a cold beer and enjoy my white privilege.

Have a nice day!
Now that all of u pussies are good and pissed off I'm gonna go have a cold beer and enjoy my white privilege.

Have a nice day!
Dude im cracken up. Im astonished that an adult could be as wildly cluless as you demonstrate with every post. Its a wonder that somone so ignorant hasn't received a life changing wake up call. Its coming bro
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