Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Until you realize that the one that you're lamely trying to insult makes more money than you.
So take all that money and move back to the motherland, it's so peaceful there and everyone is so prosperous, I'm sure u will feel more at home


Well-Known Member
Trump received 311,313 votes in MA.

Sanders received nearly 585,000 votes in MA.

Clinton received 603,784 votes in MA.

Clinton received nearly twice as many votes in MA than Trump.

Stop being ignorant.
Trump got 49% of the vote in a 4 man race. Bernie only had 48% in a two pantsuit race


Well-Known Member
Trump got 49% of the vote in a 4 man race. Bernie only had 48% in a two pantsuit race
Brilliant analysis. On a hot day, you are the kind of fool that starts a conversation with, "sure is hot". After that, people in the office look at the time and excuse themselves "to go to a meeting".


Well-Known Member
So take all that money and move back to the motherland, it's so peaceful there and everyone is so prosperous, I'm sure u will feel more at home
We don't want prosperous people to leave, also we don't want hard working people to leave. Wouldn't mind one bit if red state welfare queens like you found your way to the fatherland.


Well-Known Member
Mass. will be in play if Trump is the nominee. No other Republican candidate has a better chance than he.

All votes for all Republican candidates in the primary were less than just the votes for Hillary.

By a matter of simply deduction, Hillary will get Bernie's votes, and Drump will get all the other Republican votes. Let's just say for argument's sake, Drump "steals" 20,000 Democrat voters, as you suggested earlier. That still leaves another 550,000 votes Drump will need to conjure up to even come close to winning MA.

Stop being ignorant.


Well-Known Member

All votes for all Republican candidates in the primary were less than just the votes for Hillary.

By a matter of simply deduction, Hillary will get Bernie's votes, and Drump will get all the other Republican votes. Let's just say for argument's sake, Drump "steals" 20,000 Democrat voters, as you suggested earlier. That still leaves another 550,000 votes Drump will need to conjure up to even come close to winning MA.

Stop being ignorant.
I understand what you mean, but the demographics have just recently begun to change. These things need time to evolve. When it becomes a two man race, it will be easier to get a better idea of how Trump will win Massachusetts and California. We are just going to have to wait a little bit longer


Well-Known Member
I understand what you mean, but the demographics have just recently begun to change. These things need time to evolve. When it becomes a two man race, it will be easier to get a better idea of how Trump will win Massachusetts and California. We are just going to have to wait a little bit longer
As I said earlier, and as I've proposed to old man nitro. Would you like to wager on that?


Well-Known Member
We don't want prosperous people to leave, also we don't want hard working people to leave. Wouldn't mind one bit if red state welfare queens like you found your way to the fatherland.
I'm in the fatherland. U forget whitey controls this country and all others are just here to be oppressed by the bad white man. BAD WHITE MAN BAD!


Well-Known Member
I'm in the fatherland. U forget whitey controls this country and all others are just here to be oppressed by the bad white man. BAD WHITE MAN BAD!
No more fatherland for racist pigs. The fatherland disowns you. An African American is the president. A woman is probably going to be the next prez. Rich white man to be defeated and disgraced. White racists are marginalized low income lackeys or welfare queens. Your vision of white dominance in America is fading.
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