Good point. He made a comment a while back about my plants not being so good. When I asked why he just left the thread without giving a reason. I am crious to see how as a medical patient I can improve.

Why don't you answer the question, whats in your soil? I cannot allow myself nor my patients to consume any product without the ingredients listed. Roots organic, foxfarms, promix all give a ingredient list. I know whats in my soil and I know what the cows were fed, therefor I know its safe.

He will tell you it has everything the plant needs to harvest...and all he ever shows is good looking plants in veg.When asked to show a full cycle plant,some new poster shows up with 1post and pics of some aweful looking plants and swears its the greatest thing ever...
Maybe I'm missing something but I fail to see the problem with dispensaries paying 175-200 per zip? Just like anything else retail, they're providing a service....a service a lot of growers don't want to deal with.
Grapevine says all disp in my county now raised and of today.....been getting TC's all mourning

Should have known - election year! Sheriff and DA are up for re-election
Many of you know me from here on the site. A cpl from my area personally.

I am here for what may be the last time in quite awhile....
The State, County and local law enforcement, under the direct guidance of the AG Bill Schutte is making a serious push against all open and operating Disp., CAREGIVER operations AND home grows! THEY KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU THEN YOU THINK!

I was raided all at once last Friday mourning at grows and storefront Disp. locations. The laws have changed and they have NOT informed the MM public of MI about the changes! Every single plant was confiscated, along with all disp. sale products. Store fronts have been shuttered and employees arrested for delivery from the disp.
They had REAL CARDED MM patients come in and make buys. This is round 2 of ZERO tolerance! Charges are pending against me AND my wife and have yet to be warrented, but told it WILL be coming!

They are attempting to rack up big stat's and numbers and show the new intolerance for REAL medical needs to be out weighed by the AG Schutte's ignorance and personal desire for attention and furthering his political career!

I have been told left handed by House Reps and Sens that are sided to the cause that while it was my direct testimony in front of the House that drew Schutte's ire and me being one of the first on the list. All operating disp are being retargeted! ALL caregivers that can be linked to ANY disp.are being targeted for a "compliance check"!! This goes for those home growing for themselves too! They are weighing everything and pinching for weight!!!! #'s are the focus and ANYTHING with a root is counted!

I've said enough.....Time to attempt to cool off!
see you all around...from time to time as I can.


Fuck Bill Schuette, Fuck Lansing D.C.
Fuck the Dumbocraps and the Repuklicants.

UnFuck Michigan and Shove the Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Petition down their fucking throats with over 1 million signatures to put Total and Complete Repeal of Prohibition on the Ballot and Fully Legalize Marihuana.

Only Abrogate Prohibition Michigan offers the Solution, not the baby step that codifies this shit into the state law under the guise of recreational legalized dope.
Its a money grab, they are broke n desperate. The guy that owns the growshop I get my soil from got his car seized, 2k in his pocket from sales that day and the 2 zips he had in the backseat inside a metal box.. He had his card but lost the 2k and his ride and some product.. When he told me this last year I decided to never get a card again..what good is it?

They are ANYTHING but broke. In 2014, Assest Forfeitures netted 29 million AFTER EXPENSES.
All a liar, sorry Attorney will do is tell them to take a plea. Oh and pay the liar, err Attorney 10,000.00 plus to help you take a plea deal.

Pro Se those fuckers.
Well i have a friend who walked while the other five went for 10 years because he got a GOOD lawyer. My advice to dr.who is to talk to the grow shop boys in the area and see whos had a good lawyer. Because i know he doesnt want to be like one of the five doing 10 years because he didnt take the chance on a lawyer.
I have no real update available and will update you all on what the charges are when I get them. The lawyers say shut up and sit tight..

WE thank you all for your support........
Of course they do. The Liars swear to UPHOLD the System. The Same System that raided you.

Did you all know, Attorneys, Prosecuting Attorneys, and Judges, as MiBARAss members, have a stock portfolio that is filled with Private for Profit Prison Stocks? Meaning every time you take a plea, your Defense Liar, err Attorney has his Stock Portfolio Grow.
Same with the Judges and Prosecuting Liars. errr Lawyers.
Well i have a friend who walked while the other five went for 10 years because he got a GOOD lawyer. My advice to dr.who is to talk to the grow shop boys in the area and see whos had a good lawyer. Because i know he doesnt want to be like one of the five doing 10 years because he didnt take the chance on a lawyer.

He didnt get a good Liar, he got someone that was blowing the judge.
I have been saying for months to expect this. Infact We discussed it on yesterdays podcast.

It was just weeks ago, I told you all on the Podcast what to expect over the next few months.

Now we will see the MMM Bills rammed through with Warrentless Compliance Checks. Now the new MiBarASS group of Special Liars, errr Lawyers have formed, because when you give the State TOTAL Control under Recreational Dope, those Liars, err Lawyers will put their children through college, Buy new Mercedes and Yachts on you and your Childrens Backs.

Just let the same Fountainheads lead you to the slaughter house again. Look around, it is working so well. Why should they stop when your CannaActivist Fountainhead Leaders are making Deals with Lansing.....And you are their Sacrifice for their Greater Good.

Volunteer & Donate Today.
Full Repeal = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
No More Raids = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
No More CPS Kidnappings = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
No More Arrests = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
No More Fines = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.

No other proposal does this, nor will any other proposal be able to get to the ballot. the last 9 month of not getting it done just proves it.
I feel your pain my friend, will keep you in my thoughts and hope for the best

Thanks Bro.......Waiting for the testing of the confiscated by the state before charges come from the DA......The waiting sucks!

Been told that when it comes I turn myself in and they will PR bond me out....Then it's lawyers and courts.
Well i have a friend who walked while the other five went for 10 years because he got a GOOD lawyer. My advice to dr.who is to talk to the grow shop boys in the area and see whos had a good lawyer. Because i know he doesnt want to be like one of the five doing 10 years because he didnt take the chance on a lawyer.

If 4 out of 5 gas stations sold fuel that would not only fail to get you where you are going, but destroy your vehicle, what would federal and state governments do to that industry? What if price gouging occurred to the extent that only 1 in 10 Americans could afford it? Is there any question our legal "services" industry and judicial branches of government are out of control in this country? What are we going to do sue them? It's a bad joke and 99% of us are not laughing ...


Our Lawyer in Chiefs Clinton used civil racketeering laws successfully against the tobacco industry for misrepresenting science and Obama wants to sue the oil industry (for being "climate change deniers") under the same guise of law. Which US Attorney General is going to get charged with racketeering medical marijuana into the criminal Controlled Substance Act simply based upon their clear denial and obstruction of science :confused:

Big tobacco and oil deniers never did or could deny the world the scientific research necessary to cure cancer, but the US Justice Department has for generations through the threat and use of criminal prosecution to prop up their crony industry ..
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Ugh, so sorry Doc. If there are any political types we can call to voice our displeasure with this crack down, please put up some numbers. I'm hoping there is some political stink being raised. If so, please link us to whatever is going on.