Donald Trump

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@Kasuti This is the type of thinking that characterizes this dying demographic of American culture
"Ignorant I s the last thing I am. As far as my children go, they are both strong, healthy blond haired, blue eyed children who wear the hat of white privilege like their father and mother.

Have a nice day."
Bro the hat of white privilege is a bloody, rusty fucking turd. Wear it proudly.
It's some creepy, shocking, backward and toxic shit @korso845. It wont take too long before most of these critters are extinct.
has anyone else noticed that trump supporters are on the mental level of 4 year olds?
At least 4 year olds are going to grow out of it. So, no. They are on the level of 4 year old level retards without the upside. Does that make them retards?
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