Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Trump’s campaign manager accused of manhandling female Breitbart reporter

The Trump campaign’s hostility to the press has reached such a fevered pitch, that a top campaign official tried to physically prevent a Breitbart reporter from doing her job.

Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is accused of forcibly grabbing Breitbart’s Michelle Fields as she attempted to ask Trump a question after his bizarre victory press conference in Jupiter, Florida, Tuesday night.
Sorry about your luck. Nobody gives a shit! TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3627441

View attachment 3627442

Gosh, if Trump is "crushing it", Hillary must be totally annihilating it.

Trump has 37% of the delegates needed to win.
Hillary has 51% of the delegates needed to win.

Even if you were to split up Rubio's, Kasich's and Carson's votes to Drump, he'd still be at 45% of the delegates.

You must be a graduate of Trump University with your crazy math skills huh nitro? With it's A rating and all, right? Or is that just another one of Trumps many many lies?
Are you slobbering when you write ? It looks to me like we are winning. TRUMP!
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