Well-Known Member
We are but a sum total of our experiences.That explains it all right there.....![]()

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We are but a sum total of our experiences.That explains it all right there.....![]()
LOL..OMG. thanks for the laughIAM NOT A ILLITERATE FOOL.And I don't have to wright nothing I will be a speker keep your eyes open, it most lickley will be on tv,if I decide to do it for the people here in ky,What the fuck have you dun to help any state get pot legal?FUCK school I went to WORK at 15.I guess your mom and pop bought you what ever you wounted for you sound spoiled,
so, its not a secret any more is it? like I said....nobody keeps secrets anymoreNo body keeps secrets any more ??? well it was a secret until snow den blew everything out in the open ??? but to bad USA cannot get him you think haha .
I mean really Snow den showed with out a doubt the ilegal game in the government
I mean, KY, really? I mean it makes great sex lube but as a user name it kind of sucks.LOL..OMG. thanks for the laugh
If I read anything you wrote and you told me you smoked pot, I would ban pot smoking. No way you can be a grown ass person writing like this. I smell troll, but thanks for the laugh.
Go Kentucky! That's what I'm talking about. Trump country right there buddyThat just shows how dum you are.Have you BEEN ASK TO BE A SPEAKER FOR KY,YET I have and can prove it so fuck off.
It may sound unbelievable (in this case it does) but forced air does raise temps, I used acetylene torches on my job to braze copper pipe and would always switch to oxygen/acetylene rigs just to braze silver solder (which melts at over 800•).Your explanation for the difference in temperature between 800 degrees and 2750 degrees is wind?
lol must of been a windy day haha i really would like to know how building 7 untouched went down haha must of been the wind
I was a cub scout as a kid, but I can't remember ever actually going camping.
I'm 45, so yeah.If you are an American, 45yrs+ and have not gone camping in the sticks, have a boring life, or have been in for a looooong time.
Trump voters........
Louis C.K. email on Trump
Do what?How long did you do ?
That is what happened in Iraq. The public were all told by the government and media that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that could be deployed in just 45 minutes. And, based on that claim and the absence of any facts to the contrary (except here on the internet) many Americans decided that the war was necessary and felt that had come to that decision of their own free will. In hindsight, of course, that decision was not of their own free will but was the desired outcome of the manufactured lies about Iraq. Those that doubted the lies at the start were dismissed with the assurance that the mainstream media, serving as a watchdog on government abuse, would expose lies if they existed. Again in hindsight, the media was working hand in glove to sell those very lies to the people whose taxes and children were spent on the sands of Iraq.
The Declaration of Independence declares the principle that government derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. I DO NOT GIVE MY CONSENT TO BE LIED TO, I don't know anyone who gives their consent to be lied to. Moreover, one cannot give consent to be lied to because one cannot know what one is consenting to. No court would enforce a contract where one party does not know the terms of the contract being agreed to.
The Constitution does not authorize the government to lie to We The People. The tenth amendment bars the government from presuming that right. When the government lies, it therefore acts unconstitutionally and illegally. A government that lies to the people breaks faith with the people, violates the contract between the government and the people under which the people consent to be governed. A government that lies to the people delegitimizes itself. A government that lies to the people ceases to be the lawful government of this land. Surely the lies used to initiate a war of conquest into another nation are the worst possible lies a government can commit against its own people. And with such a lie, the United States ceases to be a nation, and becomes a land under occupation by force.
By the time this election is over Mount Rushmore will have a new face. TRUMP!
hello, racist loser. how is your fat wife doing today?
You seem chipper today. Did you put your wife on a cheese diet? It would help with the clean up. LOL TRUMP!