Donald Trump

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So blowing on a campfire more than triples the temperature? I'll have to try that, if I ever go camping. Not saying you're wrong, but that seems like complete bullshit.

Turn a cut torch down and it`s just a hot flame, roast marshmellows,.... open the nozzle and let it out under pressure, cut steel.
I was a cub scout as a kid, but I can't remember ever actually going camping.
One of the best vacations I take is when me and the family go camping. Pitch a tent and sleep out under the stars. No cell phones, no tv, no internet. Just sit a round a fire and talk and talk. We learn a lot about each other during those times...and have you ever smelled breakfast being cook outdoors. Nothing beats it. Yup camping, fishing, and the great outdoors. Best vacations every. Beats the fuck out of Disney World. IMO
Reason is simple; it is not possible to get away from planet Earth, land on and take off from the Moon (or Mars) and later make a re-entry and land on Earth again using a thin plate capsule - you are too heavy to start with and going too fast later and you will simply burn up as you cannot brake or reduce speed in the strong gravity field pulling you back to Earth. Same applies to any Shuttle or Soyuz or SpaceX Dragon capsule, if you visit theInternational Fake/Space Station.

5. All heat shields protecting space crafts (capsules, shuttles, etc) andInterContinental Ballistic Missiles, ICBMs, at re-entries are useless. They just melt.

6. Therefore only >500 cosmo clowns(or rather paid cosmo prostitutes) have flown to the Moon or around Earth in space or visited theInternational Fake Station, IFS, orbiting Earth every 90 minutes. Astronots dying on their way to the IFS are still alive on Earth.

7. Imagine when the US and European public finally find out that they have been fooled for more than 50 years by NAXA & Co ... and the European Spax Agency, EXA,... and media. Media will not do it. They will continue hiding the truth.

8. The Virgin GalactiX one hour in space is also a joke. It cannot ever return. Or this ESA RosettaX hoax incl. gravity assistkicks keeping some German/Swiss pseudo astrophysicists busy September/November 1993-2014. They found water at a comet in space 2014! The 5 December 2014 NAXA OrioX spacecraft is also not real. Like the MessengeX and Stardustspaceships. Or the strawberries on the Moon. Or the latest, November 2015, Blue OrigiX rocket trip to 93 500 m altitude. All is fantasy fakery!
One of the best vacations I take is when me and the family go camping. Pitch a tent and sleep out under the stars. No cell phones, no tv, no internet. Just sit a round a fire and talk and talk. We learn a lot about each other during those times...and have you ever smelled breakfast being cook outdoors. Nothing beats it. Yup camping, fishing, and the great outdoors. Best vacations every. Beats the fuck out of Disney World. IMO
Hanging out with yur family and getting the he'll away from so-called civilization are some of the best times you can have.
One of the best vacations I take is when me and the family go camping. Pitch a tent and sleep out under the stars. No cell phones, no tv, no internet. Just sit a round a fire and talk and talk. We learn a lot about each other during those times...and have you ever smelled breakfast being cook outdoors. Nothing beats it. Yup camping, fishing, and the great outdoors. Best vacations every. Beats the fuck out of Disney World. IMO
I'm with you on the fishing part. I love to fish (even though I don't eat fish). My daughter turns 19 next month, and it would be really interesting to see how she would respond to no cell phones, no tv, no internet. It would be well worth the trip to see her trying to "survive" without those things for a weekend. :clap:

Trump fans, already prepping that Nazi salute
I'm with you on the fishing part. I love to fish (even though I don't eat fish). My daughter turns 19 next month, and it would be really interesting to see how she would respond to no cell phones, no tv, no internet. It would be well worth the trip to see her trying to "survive" without those things for a weekend. :clap:
lol. well my children have been going camping since they were young young ( like 5-6) so they know what to expect. My oldest still tries to make it with us on her summer college breaks if she can, she enjoys the "get away".
Ok now why don't you eat fish ?
And that is the real sad thing we will never know we are just puppets but if Your Government already has lied to you what makes you think the moon landing or 911 was anything different then one big lie

Right now, looking under the hood of that expensive item called "government", we see a unified group of men and women who lied to send your children off to a war of conquest. Across this land there are thousands of families waking up to the knowledge that their sons and daughters were crippled and killed in Iraq for reasons other than what they were told.

First off, let's dispense with this crap about "Intelligence failures". An Intelligence Failure is when something is happening that you don't know about. You miss the evidence. Or you misinterpret the evidence you have.

But with regards to the claims about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, there was no evidence to miss or misinterpret. There could not be, since in hindsight there were no weapons to leave traces of evidence with. The story about weapons of mass destruction was just made up, and fraudulently manufactured "proof" created to support that lie. The mere existence of Tony Blair's dossier, plagiarized from a student thesis, is proof not only that the claims of Iraq WMDs were lies, but were known and conscious lies. Had their been any real proof, it would have been shared immediately between the various war-mongers. There would have been no need for Tony Blair to concoct his discredited Dossier. But, what the public were offered were mislabeled and blurry photos, made up dossiers, and balloon inflators misidentified as mobile biological weapons laboratories (which the British government knew about since they had sold the balloon inflators to Iraq in the first place).

So, there was no "intelligence failure". There was no intelligence with which to fail. The whole crock about Iraqi WMDs was a made-up fiction.

The government lied.

While only a few people created the lie, mostly connected with the Pentagon's Office of Special Projects and presumably via the Israeli spies since discovered within, coordinated with the similar propaganda group working out of Ariel Sharon's office, the fact is that the entire United States Government and the mainstream media news departments all signed onto that lie with a will. Now, news pundits and some members of Congress have since taken the position they ohgollygeewhiz but they were taken in by the lies as well. But this is just another face-saving deception. There is such a thing as due diligence and checking facts; behaviors expected of both journalists and congresscritters. Months before the invasion of Iraq, internet web sites like this one, using easily available facts, had discredited the claims of Iraq's WMDs, exposed Tony Blair's plagiarized dossier, and correctly identified those trailers as the balloon inflators they were. It must be assumed that Congressional offices and media corporations with large staffs and huge budgets would have had an easy time finding the same facts that web sites operating on spare change were able to find. Therefore, going along with the lies about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction had to be an intentional act of will.

The government lied.

What does it mean to live under a government that lies to you?

Is the war just, moral, and necessary? You cannot know for certain under a government that lies to you.

Are taxes legal and fair? You cannot know for certain under a government that lies to you.

Is the public money being spent wholly on the public? You cannot know for certain under a government that lies to you.

Are you really free? You cannot know for certain under a government that lies to you.

Is life in this nation really better than anywhere else? You cannot know for certain under a government that lies to you.

When you live under a government that lies, you cannot know anything for certain about your lives. All you can know is what you are told. And, because of the lies about the Iraq WMDs, what we know we are told is what the government tells us to trick us into agreeing with whatever their own purpose happens to be. And if, whether you know it or not, are are doing what the government wants, even to the deaths of your own children, then you are a slave.

Americans are the most lied-to people on Earth. The global perception of the "Ugly American" isn't that we are ugly, but that we are so clueless about what is going on in the world, in particular the evils committed by the United States Government using our taxes and children behind our backs. Our government craps on other peoples' nations, while we are told that those people love us, sit up nights to admire us, and lead good moral lives so that when they die, their souls will go to America. And when we visit those countries where the US Government plays their covert games, our delusions run headlong into their reality, and feelings (and if we are lucky, little else) get hurt.

Baby sitters will often give their children a choice of whether to go to bed at 7:30 or at 8:00. The child will choose 8:00 and go to bed happy thinking that he or she had a choice. But the agenda of the baby sitter was to have the child in bed by 8:00 before the arrival of another guest at 8:30. The child has been tricked into doing what the baby sitter wanted, while thinking the choice was theirs. That is how mind control, or brainwashing works; by giving the target ONLY those facts which will lead them to conclude, seemingly of their own free will, that their only course of action was what the government wanted in the first place.

I just can't take conspiracy theories that require more than two or three people seriously. Nobody keeps secrets anymore.

But thanks for the laugh.
ok. Just learn how to write, so that you don't appear to be an illiterate fool.
IAM NOT A ILLITERATE FOOL.And I don't have to wright nothing I will be a speker keep your eyes open, it most lickley will be on tv,if I decide to do it for the people here in ky,What the fuck have you dun to help any state get pot legal?FUCK school I went to WORK at 15.I guess your mom and pop bought you what ever you wounted for you sound spoiled,
No body keeps secrets any more ??? well it was a secret until snow den blew everything out in the open ??? but to bad USA cannot get him you think haha .
I mean really Snow den showed with out a doubt the ilegal game in the government
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