Ok, valid point. I'll leave you alone (You deep down inside know that Clinton will win, so no bet, is a good bet, right?)
I know no such thing..dont count Clinton a winner yet:
All of these Southern states were Hillary Clinton's best states (by the way, also irrelevant places to have strength in for the general election). She's used up most of her ammo and doesn't even know what kind of trouble she's in. Right before the voting, she pivoted toward the right again in anticipation of the general election. Big mistake. She can't help herself; she lives and breaths arrogance.
Tonight could have been the knock out punch if Clinton had won CO & MN. But she didn't! She lost them big. Now, he has a $40 million war chest and favorable map in front of him. Feel the Bern!
Time is on Bernie's side. The more he runs, the more people find out about him. Everyone already knows Clinton. She's gaining no new voters. Every day he gains ground. So, now he lives to fight many other days. She is in a race against time and she didn't close the door tonight. Tick, tock. Tick, tock!