Donald Trump

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Interesting theory you have there Pie. It's nothing like what I said in my post but you are as entitled to make up shit as anybody.
Thank you.

It looked like you were comparing mussolini and trump's treatment of women and then posted a picture of mussolini's face over trumps head.

Obviously the reincarnation was a joke.
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He's no conservative, he's a NYC liberal through n through..he's capitalizing on a very weak field n saying whatever he thinks the rubes in this country want to hear.
He's an opportunist, that's for sure. Not being from NYC and not that interested in local Trump history, I'll take your word for it that he was liberal at one time.

The things he currently says that are not liberal:

Deport 25 million or so people that are illegal immigrants. Within what did he say -- a year?
Deny entry to the US of anybody that professes belief in Islam
Carpet bomb Northern Iraq to intentionally kill off the families of ISIS militia
The Wall
End Obamacare

The things that he says that are Fascist are the top four items listed above.

In order to accomplish the first item, deporting 25 million would be the largest race based police action in the US since the Japanese internment. Authoritarian police actions are beloved by fascists everywhere.
He wishes the best to dictators like Assad and Putin. He also says that the dead dictators, Sadam and Gaddafi are missed. He's a fan of dictatorships, another hallmark of fascsim
Another element of fascism is belligerent nationalism. He sure sounds like that to me when he talks about international politics.

One thing he is not is a conservative. Maybe he used to be a liberal but I think Trump is a fascist or at the very least borrowing from their playbook. Which makes him an opportunist too.

In any case, it will be nice when he loses and goes away.
Foreign investors are planning to pull their money out of US stocks if Donald gets nominated because they fear his nationalistic rhetoric will start trade wars & cause a slow down in the markets...
Foreign investors are planning to pull their money out of US stocks if Donald gets nominated because they fear his nationalistic rhetoric will start trade wars & cause a slow down in the markets...
who cares. Its not like the markets are at realistic levels anyways
BS bush was coranated the first time by Scalia and never should've never had a chance for reelection, his "election" was a farce, Obama was elected 2x.

The only reason Baby Bush beat Gore was because the SCOTUS was stacked right, but people like @Corso312 don't understand how important it is to protect the SCOTUS
They went to make a statement with their attire not watch the rally, set up your own rally that no one will show up to, dont ruin DT's. Black panther attire has no place at a presidential rally. If you dont see that you are the problem.

if you were around in the 1960s, you'd be one of those guys who complained incessantly about the marches but would swear you're not racist.

fact: you are racist
oh, and trump is way underperforming his poll numbers coming into today. he was supposed to win everywhere and win big.

not happening.


delegates will be split, bringing us one step closer to the brokered convention that gives rubio the nomination.
oh, and trump is way underperforming his poll numbers coming into today. he was supposed to win everywhere and win big.

not happening.


delegates will be split, bringing us one step closer to the brokered convention that gives rubio the nomination.
How does Clinton do against Rubio in a general?
minus the wars, the push to privatize social security, the attempt to outlaw gay marriage with a constitutional amendment, a complete crash of the global economy, and so on and so forth.

you are fucking dumb.
and not a single mention of obamas wars. Marriage has no business being a government enterprise anyways so dont care. Bush crashed the global econony? LOL! Try Obama adding more to the debt then every other president in history combined. Or the fact that those evil Bush tax cuts were so bad that Obama continued them. Please list more "differences" because they're amusing. Put the kool aid down.
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if you were around in the 1960s, you'd be one of those guys who complained incessantly about the marches but would swear you're not racist.

fact: you are racist
Ha, spot on. "They caused the racial unrest. We wouldn't have a problem with Negroes if they weren't acting up."

I heard similar said when that police officer lost his job for giving "anonymous" advice on how to run over a protester and get away with it. This was all justified by "The are blocking the streets and making it difficult to get around. Run them over if they get in my way." It's not that the protesters were out there to protest the shootings of two black men by police or anything. It was all about inconveniencing the white folks. Exactly as in the '60's.
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