Donald Trump

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Because the right is doing such a bang up job....:roll:

The left is running a crook and a socialist, both old white people. This is diversity? Hillary Clinton is the best the Democrats have to offer? Seriously?

You are standing in a glass house.
I'm no Clinton fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm honestly perplexed by the "crook" label.

Her and her husband have a slush fund fronted as the Clinton international foundation where she was accepting donations from foreign countries and other donors when she held the title of secretary of state. During this time several of her policy positions seem to mysteriously changed usually after a substantial donation to the Clinton fund or a cushy speaking engagement for large amounts of cash...

This despite the fact she agreed to Obama not to do it while she held office.
Her and her husband have a slush fund fronted as the Clinton international foundation where she was accepting donations from foreign countries and other donors when she held the title of secretary of state. During this time several of her policy positions seem to mysteriously changed usually after a substantial donation to the Clinton fund or a cushy speaking engagement for large amounts of cash...

This despite the fact she agreed to Obama not to do it while she held office.
your forgot to say Benghazi and email...or we not doing those anymore
Her and her husband have a slush fund fronted as the Clinton international foundation where she was accepting donations from foreign countries and other donors when she held the title of secretary of state. During this time several of her policy positions seem to mysteriously changed usually after a substantial donation to the Clinton fund or a cushy speaking engagement for large amounts of cash...

This despite the fact she agreed to Obama not to do it while she held office.

Lets say Trump wins and Christy is AG. That would be gambling against the house. She better think about the right time too leave before it is to the point of no- return. TRUMP!
your forgot to say Benghazi and email...or we not doing those anymore

I didnt know there was a list I was automatically required to spew every time I am asked.

Bengazi was at least criminally stupid but I am not sure she could be brought up on charges. The email is another criminal matter based on both conspiracy and negligence.

So yeah, at least 4 ways she is criminal.
...Hillary Clinton wants to make it worse. She wants equal work for equal pay. How is that achieved? Is the government going to start defining jobs and ensuring a set rate for them? She wants to raise the minimum wage which hurts jobs, etc.

LOL Holy crap... 1830 called, they said they want their job logic back. How is equal pay for equal work a bad thing? Why is a living wage a bad thing? Get a hint: They're not. Equal pay for equal work simply means: If I'm digging a ditch for ten hours a day, I should be compensated fairly, just as if I'm sitting in front of a computer for ten hours a day creating software that will make people's lives easier I should be compensated fairly. Holy shit, I'd be astounded by the logical disconnect, but somehow I'm not.

Trump can get the wall built across the border with mexico on time and under budget.

Trump is notorious for doing neither of these with his building projects. Also, remember the Polish Brigade and Mafia connections?

The left is running a crook and a socialist, both old white people. This is diversity? Hillary Clinton is the best the Democrats have to offer? Seriously?

You are standing in a glass house.

Because the Republican candidates are so much better, actually they're quite worse. You have an unhinged lunatic, and two junior Senators running for office.
Lets say Trump wins and Christy is AG. That would be gambling against the house. She better think about the right time too leave before it is to the point of no- return. TRUMP!

The problem with Christy being AG is that he will enforce marijuana laws unless they change em. That wouldnt be in my best interest...
I didnt know there was a list I was automatically required to spew every time I am asked.

Bengazi was at least criminally stupid but I am not sure she could be brought up on charges. The email is another criminal matter based on both conspiracy and negligence.

So yeah, at least 4 ways she is criminal.

Benghazi was a political sideshow. The Republicans admitted to it. There is no way, no law, and no precedent to indict a Secretary of State over what happened at Benghazi, and in fact the Republican congressmen who called the hearing, and the way they acted and disseminated information during the hearings was borderline criminal.
I didnt know there was a list I was automatically required to spew every time I am asked.

Bengazi was at least criminally stupid but I am not sure she could be brought up on charges. The email is another criminal matter based on both conspiracy and negligence.

So yeah, at least 4 ways she is criminal.
You're funny
LOL Holy crap... 1830 called, they said they want their job logic back. How is equal pay for equal work a bad thing? Why is a living wage a bad thing? Get a hint: They're not. Equal pay for equal work simply means: If I'm digging a ditch for ten hours a day, I should be compensated fairly, just as if I'm sitting in front of a computer for ten hours a day creating software that will make people's lives easier I should be compensated fairly. Holy shit, I'd be astounded by the logical disconnect, but somehow I'm not.

The problem is legislating it. How do you prove you are following the law?
Benghazi was a political sideshow. The Republicans admitted to it. There is no way, no law, and no precedent to indict a Secretary of State over what happened at Benghazi, and in fact the Republican congressmen who called the hearing, and the way they acted and disseminated information during the hearings was borderline criminal.

I just agreed with you but you want to continue to argue with me... You liberals just dont quit.
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