Donald Trump

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lol, you responded to 'loser'.

it must suck to have a penis as tiny as yours is.
If you wanna see it just ask!
I mean my answer is still gna be NO, but at least someone on here might respect you for having the courage to ask.
In fact I bet Ol London fog or Uncle Buck wld just love to play "show me yours & I'll show you mine" with you....
Oh geez... another billionaire genius playboy here on RIU...

Seems like everyone says they're in the same club
Never said I was a billionaire, but everything I said was true & verifiable.
It must really suck to be you:cry:
Never had a chance?? Typical libtard response...
You & Hillary are made for each other
Yup that's right, The Dumpster never had a chance, the people of Iowa saw him for who he really was, a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Cruz was the obvious choice up in bible thumping country, but at the same time they were saying "screw you America we want Cruz as our devider in chief" the second coming of Mc Carthy.

My wife was Catholic at one point. My oldest friend is "catholic with a capital C"... needless to say he's not much of a friend any longer. Why? You can't get far in a convo before scripture is rattled off. All gays go to hell. All muslims, jews, hindu... hell for you.

That convo got too old so I said bye bye. He was my college room mate. That was then, however.

Life's too short to let people beat you with their holy book.
did you Catholics here about the new Exorcist film coming out?

in this one, the Devil tries to get the Priest out of the child.
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