Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Just quit while you're behind...
I know that your eye got that special lil twinkle when you read the word "behind" from my last post, but relax cupcake that word has another meaning besides the way that you always use it...


Well-Known Member
Trump is speaking live, he really needs to stop saying" we gave Iran 150 billion dollars, we get nothing! "

That wasn't our dough, it was money we stole from Iran and returned years later interest free.
We should have "stole" it, but we didn't. That could have been 3 billion for each state.


Well-Known Member
No, you'd suck it out of your boyfriends butt...
"In other news......" Yea, and that explains why you are not One!
And by "not one" I mean a MAN, lil girly libtards!!
You sure do have a lot of gay fantasies. It's almost like reading over a live paper about the Freudian Closeted Conservative. Sorry to break your fantasy about me with other guys, but I have a woman.


Well-Known Member
Hey Princess, I'm gna say this one more time, so try real hard to pay attention this time.... I only have one account & it's the only account that I've had!
Where do these f'n weirdos come from?
Did Obummer let ya'll out of some psych ward when he let the others out of jail??
i see you changed the president's name from 'obama' to 'obummer'. that is original. did you come up with that all by yourself?

i'm impressed either way. you truly are awesome, and people like you.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Trump is speaking live, he really needs to stop saying" we gave Iran 150 billion dollars, we get nothing! "

That wasn't our dough, it was money we stole from Iran and returned years later interest free.
45+ years of interest on $150 billion dollars is a nice chunk of change.



Well-Known Member
That's not the only love in your life

"Once a Catholic, always a Catholic" -Rubio
Remember I was the one that said I left over the cover up and other things then you said you "condemned" me about that, and all other Carholics that weren't happy with the abuse cover up? Yeah everyone does except you.

I didn't know Rubio was the Pope also, and spoke for all Catholics. You seem to have a really bad understanding of how the Church works.


Well-Known Member
Remember I was the one that said I left over the cover up and other things then you said you "condemned" me about that, and all other Carholics that weren't happy with the abuse cover up? Yeah everyone does except you.

I didn't know Rubio was the Pope also, and spoke for all Catholics. You seem to have a really bad understanding of how the Church works.
I know enough about Catholics to know I don't want to be one. Don't worry about being ex-communicated, if Rubio becomes president, I'm sure he will reinstate you with the congregation, as one of the sheeple.
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