Old troll habits die hard, he came in all fired up trying to shoot Henry down before he even got started so I stoked the flames to see if they would boil over. It worked but then I got all worked up too, so that backfired

. Either way it's over and we're both a little worse off for it.
Bud - I swap tanks at the welding shop too, compressed welding oxygen cost $7.00 for 250 cu.ft. @ 2200 psi. You are absolutely right about knowing the ruled of the road about storing and using oxygen… oxygen is not air.
0003 – Safety is paramount. If you are not familiar with the safety rules, don’t use it.
Your questions:
-Do you plan to supliment CO2 in the room for the greener parts of the plant – maybe, CO2 gas is an asphyxiant unlike oxygen gas. Extra knowledge and care must be taken when using these gases. These gas can be used safely provide you have learned how to use them safely and practice what you have learned.
-How hermetically sealed is your space – some ventilation
-How often would you need to break that seal to tend to the plants – N/A
-Where do you plan to aquire medical grade / pure O2 – USP Oxygen may be an option, albiet a more expensive option, commercial welding oxygen fine
- Do you plan to run a full experiment with controls ect – in some DWC and SWC circles this oxygenation technique may be past the experimental stages of development and fully operational
-What factors are you looking to test / compare –
1. Absolute, guaranteed prevention of root zone fungal disease caused by A nutrient poor water quality condition (hypoxia or water with low-unstable DO saturation-oxygen content) has been demonstrated in DWC and SWC hydroponics. Insuring and maintaining DWC DO saturation continuously appears to prevent any and most potential hypoxic events during the growing cycle that encourage fungi and pathogen growth. Water temperature is no longer limited by DO using controlled doses of supplemental oxygen continuously. Manipulating DO Supersaturation with supplemental oxygen opens new doors of culture opportunities… the secret stuff. The DWC growers that imagine the “what if I do this or do that stuff” that really thinks out-of-the-box of the everyday mundane, Poppy says “plenty of dissolved air (aeration) always insures plenty of oxygen Dissolved oxygen in the water” mind set. Of course that's an old wives tale that is incorrect now and always will be. Oxygen is not air.
Eureka, we are all having a round table discussion right now using our imagination and opening new doors of perception that is based solidly in gas chemistry laws, plant nutrition and plant disease with documented causes and effects (low oxygen and hypoxic root zones). Scientific facts about something new to many and very different where everyone has a say, there is no harm and no fouls at this table for anyone that participates.
Henry’s Gas Law – the gas law that seriously limits DO saturation with air (20% oxygen) and allows high DO supersaturation (with 100% oxygen) in DWC water at all water temperatures. Check this out, do the math and you will easily understand how to use Henry’s Gas Law to manipulate the dissolved oxygen (an essential nutrient element) in any DWC.
Understanding how to use gas chemistry, Henry’s Gas Law opens the door that allows any culturist to absolutely control DO and ALL the necessary nutrients in DWC throughout the entire growing season. In DWC, air seriously limits DO saturation because of water temperature, solute concentration and barometric pressure, pure 100% oxygen dramatically expands the limitation of air when sustained safe oxygenation is the whole point of an oxygenation exercise.
Pure 100% oxygen - Imagine this a moment: the space shuttle is trying to launch and get off the ground using air (aeration) to create the enormous energy necessary to reach escape velocity – air won’t work at all, pure liquid oxygen (LOX) is necessary to make the rocket fire hot enough to create the energy required to overcome earth’s gravity and reach space.
-growth rate veg / flower
-all of the above - Yes
-none of the above
The only nutrient you cannot absolutely control with air (aeration) in a DWC is dissolved oxygen because of the limitations of oxygen are regulated and controlled by Henry’s Gas Law. Most culturist hope and depend on air (aeration) to provide all the oxygen necessary to keep the plant root zones healthy during a growing season. Nagging constantly is the real possibility of low to no oxygen, suffocation and the dreaded plant diseases cause by low oxygenation which is a well-known real issue limiting DWC and SWC hydroponics potential.
It is shocking when you have the ability to absolutely really control the dissolved oxygen saturation (nutrient) continuously for the entire growing period.
If plants are low in oxygen and need oxygen, sounds logical and reasonable to me simply to give them more oxygen, not more air, more aeration, H2O2 and other popular snake oil gimmicks that are supposed to be oxygen.
A DO meter is 1 tool that measures DO saturation (DO Sat) and DO concentration (DO PPM) in a wide range of water temperatures. It is not possible to smell, taste or see the difference, or guess the gas concentrations between air, oxygen or nitrogen.