Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Corso, really? Now my feelings are hurt!
I thought we bonded over the cute lil raccoons & puppies on the other forum & now you call me semi-retarded?
Well, at least your insult was mildly humorous, I'll give you that.

Lol..don't take it personal, Great animal pics though. I like uncle Bens weed related posts but his political thoughts make my blood boil.


Well-Known Member
Now you sound like Glenn Beck all of sudden. The two of you sure do cry about Trump a lot. Maybe you could get a job working for The Blaze
Easy then I could come out years later and be like "It was all bullshit suckers!" Would be a fun prank.


Well-Known Member
80% of smart businessmen don't file bankruptcy. not just liberals hate him. half a million in the UK signed a petition to keep him out.

if daddy didn't give a silver spoon, Dump would be lucky to own a Motel 6 in Paramus NJ


Well-Known Member
80% of smart businessmen don't file bankruptcy. not just liberals hate him. half a million in the UK signed a petition to keep him out.

if daddy didn't give a silver spoon, Dump would be lucky to own a Motel 6 in Paramus NJ
Then move to the UK


Well-Known Member
I see him as a smart businessman. He played by the rules, did everything legal and liberals hate him for it.

If you dont like the rules try to change the rules....

I don't hate trump, he cracks me up..I love the shots @ Rosie O'Donnell n Jeb!

I think he's too arrogant and egotistical to be Potus.


Well-Known Member
I don't hate trump, he cracks me up..I love the shots @ Rosie O'Donnell n Jeb!

I think he's too arrogant and egotistical to be Potus.
Lol right? He bitches and whines about Megan Kelly, how is he going to stand up to Putin or anyone else? "Waaa Putin said America was dumb. Putin's a poopoo head."


Well-Known Member
I just see him never listening to his advisers or steamrolling ahead to take oil in the ME.. Recipe for disaster, like Bush\Cheyney.


Well-Known Member
Lol right? He bitches and whines about Megan Kelly, how is he going to stand up to Putin or anyone else? "Waaa Putin said America was dumb. Putin's a poopoo head."
This is how negotiations happen. The only difference is, they normally go on behind closed doors. Where does it say a candidate has to run through the media gauntlet in order to be nominated? Trump is a game changer, he can appear on just about any show he wants, and doesn't have to play by your establishment rules. If Trump took advice from idiots, we would end up with another McCain/Romney loser candidate. But that's not going to happen this time.

Putin has already endorsed Trump, so again you don't know what your posting about.


Well-Known Member
This is how negotiations happen. The only difference is, they normally go on behind closed doors. Where does it say a candidate has to run through the media gauntlet in order to be nominated? Trump is a game changer, he can appear on just about any show he wants, and doesn't have to play by your establishment rules. If Trump took advice from idiots, we would end up with another McCain/Romney loser candidate. But that's not going to happen this time.

Putin has already endorsed Trump, so again you don't know what your posting about.
Do you think an endorsement by Vladamir Putin is something to boast about?


Well-Known Member
so has Palin. hahahahahaahhahahahahaahhaha. that should really scare you if you have any intelligence. cause she sure doesn't.
Sarah gave him a boost in Iowa. Endorsements normally have a short term effect. In fact, if your name is Glenn Beck endorsing Ted Cruz, the hysteria could literally last only minutes.
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