Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
He's a Social Democrat, which is not the same thing as a Socialist. Go get an education, unless you're saying Eisenhower was a socialist, as well as Truman, FDR, Nixon, LBJ, and JFK, and Reagan in his early years.
You can call him a marshmallow if it makes you feel better, but it doesn't change the facts!!
He thinks gov't should be in charge of everything & he wants a lot more of everyone's income to pay for it!!

End of discusion

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You can call him a marshmallow if it makes you feel better, but it doesn't change the facts!!
He thinks gov't should be in charge of everything & he wants a lot more of everyone's income to pay for it!!

End of discusion
No need to piss on Bernie's parade. Let Trump do it later on if he makes it that far, and it will be funnier when he is on the stage. Fuck this is going to be a great year. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
he doesn't even know what a capitalist is. what REAL capitalist would retire at 38? average male lifespan is 76, that's a lot more money to make.
Ah, you sucked me back in!
You said something soooooo incredibly stupid that I just cldnt resist....
If you would ever shut up long enough to actually read what people write then you wldnt have to spend so much of your precious time trying to pry your foot out of your mouth!!
I am SEMI-retired Dumbass!
I still own a business & I still own real estate but I no longer micromanage the day to day operations. I spend a lot more of my time now traveling. That is when I'm not on here waisting my time trying to enlighten welfare recipients & Bernie lovers!

But hey, I actually learned something so it wasn't a total waist of my time


Well-Known Member
Ah, you sucked me back in!
You said something soooooo incredibly stupid that I just cldnt resist....
If you would ever shut up long enough to actually read what people write then you wldnt have to spend so much of your precious time trying to pry your foot out of your mouth!!
I am SEMI-retired Dumbass!
I still own a business & I still own real estate but I no longer micromanage the day to day operations. I spend a lot more of my time now traveling. That is when I'm not on here waisting my time trying to enlighten welfare recipients & Bernie lovers!

But hey, I actually learned something so it wasn't a total waist of my time
hey puppet your spelling is giving you away


Well-Known Member
Ah, you sucked me back in!
You said something soooooo incredibly stupid that I just cldnt resist....
If you would ever shut up long enough to actually read what people write then you wldnt have to spend so much of your precious time trying to pry your foot out of your mouth!!
I am SEMI-retired Dumbass!
I still own a business & I still own real estate but I no longer micromanage the day to day operations. I spend a lot more of my time now traveling. That is when I'm not on here waisting my time trying to enlighten welfare recipients & Bernie lovers!

But hey, I actually learned something so it wasn't a total waist of my time
Why are you wasting your money on travel? Why aren't you investing into the stock market? Some capitalist you are.


Well-Known Member
this is the last thing i read that you posted if it makes you feel better triple D (dumb, delusional, douchebag) is that the triple D's?

"I must be a fkn idiot"


Well-Known Member
How stupid are you? Honestly, I'm wondering how dumb you are if you think I think Fox News is any sort of a legitimate news channel.
Now you sound like Glenn Beck all of sudden. The two of you sure do cry about Trump a lot. Maybe you could get a job working for The Blaze


Well-Known Member
10 billion? Try 4 billion and he did not do it on his own and claimed bankruptcy 4 times along the way. Neighborhood organizer? So much more than that. Once again you're proving my previous statement absolutely correct if you think that's all President Obama was.
What did he create? He didnt claim personal bankruptcy, his businesses did. It is a perfectly acceptable business practice to reorganize. 9 businesses out of 10 fail. I think his wealth was recently pegged at 10 billion but who cares if it is only 4 billion?

What did Barak Obama create before he was president?


Well-Known Member
Nobody with that spells like a 4th grader can be semi retired @46, I don't believe it.. Unless you meant semi retarded.
Corso, really? Now my feelings are hurt!
I thought we bonded over the cute lil raccoons & puppies on the other forum & now you call me semi-retarded?
Well, at least your insult was mildly humorous, I'll give you that.
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