Well-Known Member
I told you that you wouldn't believe me.
Proof is in the pudding.
Proof is in the pudding.
Nitro-meth? In Dominic torretos voice.
What if I told you all you needed was bigger injectors and a strong fuel pump to gain 200wph.
You might be driver but you don't know engines buddy.
I can tell you are full of bull shit so have a good day. TRUMP!
I told you that you wouldn't believe me.
Proof is in the pudding.
50whp with no tune or anything. Simply more power.
See I build engines and cars. I'm not the best driver but you aren't telling me shit on how an engine works.
I have never played with a computer controlled turbo set up. And I won't be anytime soon. I use big compression and methanol or methanol/ nitro mix. And I only use carburetors. E85 would not work and make power in any of my motors. For one turbo motors need low compression and can get by with lower octane fuel like e85. That way you can make an enormous amount of boost with out the motor becoming unhappy. TRUMP!
.' Let's stop pretending that we don't have an armed, aggressive, and intellectually-limited lunatic fringe around us,'
'we gotz duh gunz and the knowin of the constipution
i gots two defend mah family / polygamist sect'
'White privilege is declaring that you will never be taken alive, and then still blaming the police for your murder.'
That's what happened with old boy up on Oregon. Hopped out the car with a rifle and then they cry because the cops shot at them.
Only wounding one and killing another. It would be easy just to kill them all because one was armed?
I haven't heard there was a rifle in the truck. I guess some more news came out, I will check on that. TRUMP!
Where did you hear there was a rifle involved? Because I can't find that info.
It was on tv. I flip between msnbc, cnn, and Fox news. So it was one of them.
It was a statement made by the fbi. Some dark haired guy.
I listened to an interview with a lady that was in the truck and she said there was no rifle, just two side arms and she said that nobody touched there guns and they had there hands out the window. And then the fbi started shooting and they drove away but didn't get far and stopped and then the driver got out with his hands in the air and yelled then just kill me, so they shot him in the face. Then when he was down they shot a few more times. So I doubt there will be a video to back up anybodies story.
Haha. They stopped 2 trucks. One truck took off and hit a snow berm. Hopped out with a rifle and got shot.
Why won't the fbi just have killed all of them and then lied to us?
There is going to be video footage. State police were involved and they wear body cams.
I hope we can see some video . The woman that gave the interview was in the truck that took off and she said no rifle so it will be interesting to see who is lying about a rifle. There is a lot we don't know at this time.
@nitro harley, I bet you agree with what the cops did in Ferguson?
It's ok for cops to kill unarmed black males but God forbid they shoot an armed white man that had proclaimed that he would kill law enforcement?
Seems legit.