>Not voting for Trump because "muh feels"
>Votes for Crypt Keeper who tweets about his lack of economic comprehension including the fact that he doesn't understand what collateral is.
"Why are student loans at 10% interest but home loans are 3?" "Why am I standing behind this podium wearing bunny slippers? " "where did all these people come from and why are they all standing in my kitchen?" "Get off my grass!"
He's either retarded or pandering to those who failed econ. 101 and instead decided to pursue a degree in liberal studies, or maybe just dropped out high school.
If my choice is Trump, Sanders, who can't even economy, or Hillary, Arm-The-Terrorists Clinton, then Trump wins by default. Not my fault the Democrats couldn't support someone decent. Webb seemed alright but he's not close to challenging the other two. It's almost like you have to be insane to be at the head of the Democratic race.