Hot Diggity Sog
Well-Known Member
those pics are all you need to mix 5 gallons part A and B of concentrate
lets use the veg for example;
I do this for a friend its not difficult
looking at the pics I posted the veg mix is for 4000 gallons
fill 2 five gallon buckets up 1/2 way with hot water
label each bucket veg A and veg B
add calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, potassium nitrate and iron to bucket A
(I do it slowly over a few days allowing each to have time to dissolve before adding the next)
add the mono potassium phosphate, magnesium sulfate,, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride and the balance of the micro nutirents (not iron) to bucket B
so all my nitrates and the iron in bucket A and everything else in bucket B
after about 4 or 5 days of sitting and shaking buckets one time a day its ready
5mls of bucket A and 5mls of bucket B should yield about EC1.2
and the 5 gallon concentrate should make about 4000 gallons of solution
How long will this actually last (stay usable)?