• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Path Of Love

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
If you believe everyone is out to get you then you will unconsciously manifest situations where you are victimized. If you don't limit yourself to any belief structures and open your mind to infinite possibilities then who knows what you can do.
You are on a ROLL.... amazing

I would like to add

one must actually become aware of ONEs thoughts before one can realize that we create our world by REACTING to thoughts

REACTING... - this is KEY

The implications of actually becoming aware 9f ONE's thoughts is terrifying to the FALSE IDENTITY... because.. it is actually impossible to have a thought... or to create a thought.... it is only possible to become aware of thoughts that already exist in the world..

this is the great illusion ...

the phrase "i THINK" is actually impossible...

It is incorrect.... it is correct to say.. I became aware of a THOUGHT..

big difference... and a brutal blow to the ego in the path of awakening...


FROM here one can clearly see the REACTION that leads to killing animals....


The Gardener
I wish i could be more like you man

i get angry and i have no patients i let other people thoughts annoy me causing a very bad temper i just boil inside over somethings thats none of my buisness half the time the thought of some 1 or somthing like bullying or arrogance jack the lads that sort of stuff gets me going . €

Ive love for my family constant , Its just hard to control love for others when peoples pushing to get a reaction .. Is it me, is it them or is it the weed lol

They say because the universe is just all energy if every 1 was to think the same thing it can make that thought happen ... it wouldent take every 1 to think like me lol


Well-Known Member
i don't understand? what do you know?

What I meant was that I don't allow false beliefs or assumptions limit my perspective.

I don't know much but intuitively I "know" a lot. I am not enlightened not yet but I am consciously seeking enlightenment and I am trying to help others as well.


Well-Known Member
It really bugs me when folks say I don't understand when I do.I understand.I just disagree.And I don't believe in the bible, so yeah, coming at me from that angle usually just rolls right off.I just like a little proof with my pudding.I think its great that we can both enjoy our different view.Doesn't necessarily make either set of beliefs wrong.Doesn't make either one of us obtuse for not agreeing with the other's views.:peace:
I don't recall saying that you didn't understand. If I did I am sorry that was not the implication. I just wanted to share my point of view and better understand you point.

Since you demand proof then i would assume that you are an empiricist. I am a fan of philosophy and I was just trying to get a feel for your background so that I could better communicate my ideas to you.

I believe that there is a time and place for evidence. The problem that I have with empirical evidence is that it is limited. As you know there are only 5 senses that gather information for the mind to process. However in those 5 senses there are only a limited range of information available. The eyes only see certain colors, ears only hear a certain range of vibration. The point is that evidence may always be there for you to absorb but your physical body is not capable of understanding it.

So that is why there is never evidence for spiritual experiences. It is because due to the nature of the experience it can't be proven. Spiritual experiences are subjective in nature as they should be. Most experiences have to do with a personal relationship with God. So only I can have that experience and it either would never make sense to you or it wouldn't be the same for you. Only you can have that experience.

I wasn't trying to conform you or fit you into any kind of box. I was just trying to evoke more information from you so we could have a better debate.


New Member
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Insert requisite cock analogy immediately following this post. Or soon after, if at all possible.


Well-Known Member
are their any beliefs that are not false...?

Ultimately duality is part of the illusion of the material world. But to a certain degree I don't think it is pragmatic to hold on to beliefs that are not consistent with how reality tends to unfold.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I am not sure if you are saying yes or no to my question..

If I may describe the term "duality" and then you tell me if you concur...

The mind can only know relative truth... meaning. it can only know tall if it knows short.. it can only no evil if it knows good..

The mind can only know something if it has an opposite.. So in actuality, the mind can not know anything that is TRUE... it can only know what is relatively true..

This is "duality"

this is why most of the people on this thread can not understand you. cause they are listening to your words.. rather than looking at what you are pointing at....

like lao tsu said.. I am pointing at the moon and you are staring at my finger...

it is hilarious

So is there anything that is "TRUE".. or anything that exists on its own without the need of an opposite.? YES there is.... and this "SOMETHING" can be pointed at by the mind.. but it can not be comprehended by the mind.. because the mind only comprehends relative truth.. or things based on the concept of duality...

this THING that is true is NO "thing"

If you can look at a chair without "knowing" it is a chair.. then you can witness truth...

So how does one become aware of this "SOMETHING".... if it can not be comprehended by the mind...

do they have tog go to church and accept jesus as their savior...? can they give the mormon church 10% of their income and become enlightened..??????????

It is through shifting of awareness from the mind or not reacting to the mind or silencing the mind.. .. there are many ways to label this process.. some people even call it meditation..

MEDITATION is the process of watching ones thoughts and not reacting...

this is the ONLY way.... it can happen through near death experience. it can happen through physical exhaustion.. but it will only be maintained through practice.. or shall i say 100% dedication to NON reaction to MIND CHATTER/PHYSICAL SENSATIONS

BY NOT KILLING AND HARMING OTHER CREATURES in mind or form, this process becomes instantly in the grasps of any serious practitioner...

defending the killing of creatures.. or defending any REACTION to any THOUGHT... is the sleeping mans path...

and YOU don't have to believe what I say.. and it would not bring you any closer to enlightenment to believe what i say..the only way to KNOW... is to stop reacting... to sit still...

I am not preaching anything.. I can tell you exactly how to see into eternity all by yourself.. and you never have to believe anything...

it is to do exactly the opposite of most of the posters on this tread..just stop thinking and and the veil of illusion will rise...

if one needs help with this process they should check out..

Buddhist Meditation in the Theravada tradition

Just sit still for and don't react... it is soooooo easy and yet "YOU" won't try it...

you would rather argue your limitations...

ask a man to give you $1000 and he agrees, ask him to give up his ignorance and he fights you to the death.. ahahhahaha


Well-Known Member
That is exactly what I mean when I refer to duality. Everything in existence has an equal an opposite. Light and dark, up and down, left and right. Ultimately none of that is real. It just is.

Beliefs and forms all have their place and the mind is important for those that are not evolve beyond it yet. I am one of those people that understand the abstract conceptions involved with enlightenment but I have not achieved it yet. I do meditate everyday. I usually meditate 3 to 4 times a day for 20 minutes. But the past couple nights I have been striving for one hour each.

I believe it is Plato that said there was being and then there was becoming. Being is the realm where Truth and higher ideals exist independently of man. These things couldn't be known through the senses.

Then there was the world of becoming. This is where change or the appearance of it takes place.

I think that Jesus tried to speak of the same thing but he was ultimately misunderstood. He said that the Kingdom of God was within all of us. So the Kingdom of God exists independently of man's belief. In the Kingdom lies all the higher ideas we know of but have never experienced like "Infinity" or "Perfection".

The Hindu's call the material world maya or an illusion. And it is an illusion in every aspect. Light is invisible. Matter is really just space. And all that other stuff.

The only way to know the truth is to cultivate an innate ability which is intuition. It is knowing without the mind. This is why Jesus said "And you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."


Well-Known Member
like lao tsu said.. I am pointing at the moon and you are staring at my finger...

it is hilarious
Lao Tzu and many of the other eastern sages had a hard time trying to explain the Tao because it was beyond ideas. Some people don't seem to understand that words are just symbols that convey ideas they are not concrete and they are intended to be just signposts. The Tao or God whatever you want to call it can not be forced into a Box. Man has created God in his Image and that is the failure of religion. However religion has spiritual truth if you go deep enough and I think that Christianity still does too.

It's a funny thing how convincing the ego is. When I first started to learn about the ego I actually thought that I was getting rid of it but instead of was just adopting a new identity lol. But now when I hear the voice in my head I know it's ego and I just tell him shut up.


Well-Known Member
meditation is the true way to find yourself,no "real" religion can tell you how to live,how to survive or how to breathe,they are just simply for people who need something to believe in when all u need to believe in is yourself.

try meditation,go out on a warm rainy day,with a blunt, a good friend,and go sit in some woods,smoke a 2-3g highpotent blunt and just sit there,nothing has to be said,it will all just flow right through you and you will see the truth as you connect with the world.

its really more of a trip than anything,a good friend will enjoy the same aspects as you and have a "revelation" along side next to you.

connect with nature and nature will connect with you.