What did you accomplish today?

At Edwards they have some really good choice meat. Since I eat mostly meat I save a lot. So it depends on what you buy.
I vegans and vegetarians are going to have it very rough in my country... vegetable foods are going to sky rocket in price already started, all of Southern Africa has a bit of a food shortage, major drought. Have to import from the USA while the Dollar is super strong against us.
What sucks most is if you eat meat alone in SA you will need to eat 20 percent MORE than in the USA, our beef has so little fat it is now classified as lean meat.
It is an incredible energy wastage.
I certainly hope home growing container veggies takes off here. I cant take care of everybody and my veggie garden got rested this year. Wasnt too certain if we would be able to water it...
Bottled my first batch of beer this evening. Holy fuck, was that ever a trial, I'm buying a fucking auto siphon for the next go round.
We built a nice system using a washing mashine pump on the boiler. The rest was pretty much gravity doing all the work. I will try find some pics for you. If you buy the correct barrels for your fermentation the rest is a breeze. Everybody and his uncle brews out here. We have more hippie craft breweries producing fruity junk than we have churches.
Two hours a day or my hands turn to jelly. 4 hours daily to get gig ready. 6 a day to get better. I was lazy in years past. Catching up nicely.
Been playing a lot.. Got my 2 first guitars eer back from my dad.. 1971 cream colored start and an old ibanez cn100. Forgot how nice the ibanez was.. Great solid body with great action.. Honestly sounds as good as my gibson es-335.. The pickups are so hot you can talk through the bridge pickup
My accomplishment for the day..

watched Meet the Parents/Fockers and am wondering why I never did before. Quite good movies!

I vegans and vegetarians are going to have it very rough in my country... vegetable foods are going to sky rocket in price already started, all of Southern Africa has a bit of a food shortage, major drought. Have to import from the USA while the Dollar is super strong against us.
What sucks most is if you eat meat alone in SA you will need to eat 20 percent MORE than in the USA, our beef has so little fat it is now classified as lean meat.
It is an incredible energy wastage.
I certainly hope home growing container veggies takes off here. I cant take care of everybody and my veggie garden got rested this year. Wasnt too certain if we would be able to water it...
I'd love to see indoor grow closets become a mainstream item. What you spend on grow medium, water and electricity should equal to or be less than retail rates. As far as water consumption goes, yes, that could still be an issue depending on the scale of operation you have. Rain barrels would be something to consider or even using your gray water. My brother plumbed his house so that his gray goes straight to an outdoor spigot.

I really love the idea of more people growing inside because it also provides a distraction from targeting homes for growing mj. If everybody grew something inside under grow lights, think of how much harder it would be for law enforcement using thermal monitoring.

I say make their jobs a lot harder ;)
Been playing a lot.. Got my 2 first guitars eer back from my dad.. 1971 cream colored start and an old ibanez cn100. Forgot how nice the ibanez was.. Great solid body with great action.. Honestly sounds as good as my gibson es-335.. The pickups are so hot you can talk through the bridge pickup
Doesnt matter who made her... me and Bitch... for life. Anything happens to her I will just die. I LOVE her. She is my muse. Highway One Stratocaster with some mods and custom setup. Seymour Duncan Hot Stack BRIDGE pup in the neck. Tone and volume pots bypassed. If it sounds bad it is because I didnt play well. Brutally honest. . The way I like my ladies. Pair her to a Twin Reverb and it goes so transparent every mistakeis glaringly obvious. I Love You Bitch!1453137354778-812719909.jpg
My accomplishment for the day..

watched Meet the Parents/Fockers and am wondering why I never did before. Quite good movies!

I'd love to see indoor grow closets become a mainstream item. What you spend on grow medium, water and electricity should equal to or be less than retail rates. As far as water consumption goes, yes, that could still be an issue depending on the scale of operation you have. Rain barrels would be something to consider or even using your gray water. My brother plumbed his house so that his gray goes straight to an outdoor spigot.

I really love the idea of more people growing inside because it also provides a distraction from targeting homes for growing mj. If everybody grew something inside under grow lights, think of how much harder it would be for law enforcement using thermal monitoring.

I say make their jobs a lot harder ;)
Hey Sweetie! We have so much sun here indoor growing will never really take off. However harnassing rain water and containers... this is the only way forward I agree. Must be organic though. Nonuse getting home farms going if they just poison the water... some interesting thinking in this direction for sure.

Otherwise how are YOU?! Been a good minute since we last spoke.
Hey Sweetie! We have so much sun here indoor growing will never really take off. However harnassing rain water and containers... this is the only way forward I agree. Must be organic though. Nonuse getting home farms going if they just poison the water... some interesting thinking in this direction for sure.

Otherwise how are YOU?! Been a good minute since we last spoke.
I'm really good, thanks for asking! How are you dear? Hope your New Year's was a good one! here's a little info on using gray water in the garden. It's a pretty good read, something to think about for sure! https://www.growveg.com/guides/using-grey-water-to-help-plants-survive-a-hot-summer/

We had our first snow of the year yesterday morning. It didn't last, now it's just really cold! I can't wait till spring gets here! :)
Doesnt matter who made her... me and Bitch... for life. Anything happens to her I will just die. I LOVE her. She is my muse. Highway One Stratocaster with some mods and custom setup. Seymour Duncan Hot Stack BRIDGE pup in the neck. Tone and volume pots bypassed. If it sounds bad it is because I didnt play well. Brutally honest. . The way I like my ladies. Pair her to a Twin Reverb and it goes so transparent every mistakeis glaringly obvious. I Love You Bitch!View attachment 3588489
That is bad ass!!

Me LOVES it!! she's a beaut!

Cat got a new bigger amp for his Warlock for Christmas.
Boy can he make it sing..I'd love to hear you play!!

That is bad ass!!

Me LOVES it!! she's a beaut!

Cat got a new bigger amp for his Warlock for Christmas.
Boy can he make it sing..I'd love to hear you play!!

View attachment 3588549
Hand-wired in the United Kingdom... build number 63 according to the back plate... shaking the walls till plaster comes falling is her game hehehe... Single ended class A like it was built in the 60's before amps needed a lot of volume, but loaded with valves to get up to modern gain levels. It is fantastic.
View attachment 3588934
Hand-wired in the United Kingdom... build number 63 according to the back plate... shaking the walls till plaster comes falling is her game hehehe... Single ended class A like it was built in the 60's before amps needed a lot of volume, but loaded with valves to get up to modern gain levels. It is fantastic.
Wow, that's a sweet setup you got there! I totally have to show that to Cat :)

Bet you play great, any sound clips you can share?