What did you accomplish today?

So lazy over the last few days, but I've been working like a dog lately so it's understandable. Woke up late, smoked a cig, viewed RIU, fapped to this - http://www.redtube.com/630514, shaved my head, took a shower, went to local hydro shop for flowering nutes/perlite/rockwool cubes, went shopping at Jewel (long lines but high with headphones kickin' Kendrick so not bad), got a steak burrito, carried everything upstairs and took a nap. Tonight - some practicing, more RIU, and finish up Fargo season 2. I love my life...
im waiting for pc.
i like the tomb raider series. glad to hear it was good
Hope you have a MONSTER PC... tons of super fast action with spectacular effects and character detail. You can recognize individual enemies as they run about. You dont want to strip anything down because of a punished PC...
Jealous. Running 2 year old i7 rig. She does the job for recording audio but cant run Witcher 3. Which I got on pre order. I almost cried. X1 for the rest of the year...
i wont tell you how amazing the witcher 3 looks with max settings on my computer
its amazing!
sorry lol, its by far my favourite series. upgrade that rig bro!