Rape culture

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Aww, aren't you two bitches the cutest things ever. I think Express is in love. You go boy!
I called u Claire and u draw your own delusional conclusions .. it's Hella. Entertainment. Go on :p

I make fun of Yessica.
You run to her aide.
I guess that you likely did that because she showed you her itty bitty titties.
You try to troll.
Yessica admits to sharing naked photos with you.
I call it exactly right.
You call me delusional for thinking that.

You are one really dumb gangsta.
I make fun of Yessica.
You run to her aide.
I guess that you likely did that because she showed you her itty bitty titties.
You try to troll.
Yessica admits to sharing naked photos with you.
I call it exactly right.
You call me delusional for thinking that.

You are one really dumb gangsta.
Ah Claire.. If intelligence caused orgasms you would be a stud. ;)
Oh damn. That slipped by, I read it! Boooo

Hey I bet there's lots of people that aren't ashamed of their bodies and heave healthy active labidos that share nudes online.

I've even seen some of a mod from here. I wouldn't want to be too blabby about it. But great tits.

Everyone does it. At least all the cool kids...
Hahaha you're sharing nudes with a stranger online n we're the lonely ones? Ffs bless
ha ha seeing as to how uptight you and see4 are about the possibility of some internet woman somewhere being happy to show her body.
Yes i would agree your the lonley ones here

how did i manage to find myself in this puritan backwater?
Everybody does it, is right. Fuck anyone else that doesn't do it but wants to secretly do it.
It's true. Dude has such a weird boner for me it's cray. Haha

Meh, let us never speak of him again! I haven't read a post he's made in 2016! None of them.

It's glorious.

So talking about online nudes (well tits and ass, I've never sent Vagini) in a rape thread?

Um...should we all start praying to Satan now?? If there's a hell - we are going there. Hahah
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