Well-Known Member
fuck yeah
The older I get the more time I spend mid stream, rod under my arm, pinchie box in hand just looking and listening.
The sound of the stream, the hot sun on my neck, the cold as fuck water on my legs.
Looking at a monster bug flying by, a robin comes out of no where and snags the bug out of mid air. Take another pinchie. Match that bug with a size 12 Irresistible Stimulator, orange. Toss the fly on the side. toss it to the spot where I know that fat brown is.
Repeat until it is too dark to fish then walk back to the truck where the people are drinking beer and talking shit.
Can't wait for Summer.
I am with you man!
My favorite evening walk with a little bud. The sound of the river and eagles everywhere, such a sweet little river and no one in my town bothers fishing it. We have 5 other rivers within about a 10 mile stretch and they get flooded with various runs of salmon over the summer.
In Alaska 99% of people are meat fishing 10' apart at the spots that have thousands of fish. combat snagging , fly rods with 1/2 oz of split shot hahaa , man they can have it. Ill stick to my little river just me, the eagles, and bears.
I will definitely be getting back to Alaska this summer.
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